mandag 15. desember 2014

*This Year's Christmas Song!

Learn it, love it, sing it! To be performed on Friday in class. We can't wait to get the good old Christmas spirit through your beautiful voices :)

(If the video doesn't work - CLICK HERE)

fredag 28. november 2014

*Project Going Abroad

The weeks up until Christmas you guys are to work with a project where you have to plan a trip to Great Britian. More info will be given in class! It will be fun for sure :)

torsdag 20. november 2014

*Mock Exam Preparations

Another issue of Perspectives Magazine is out, and this time the topic is LOVE! To find it; log on to Fronter -> Ressurser -> Cappelen Damm. Log on to Cappelen Damm using your Fronter username and password. When you're in you will see your name up at the right hand corner. Click at "Min side" and Terminprøver Engelsk will come up. Click on "Gå til" and voila! You're in :)

Rules of thumb when it comes to the Mock Exam:
  1. Come prepared! Make sure that you have read all the texts thoroughly and that you know the basic rules of the genres (essay, short story, diary entry, personal letter etc.)
  2. Write down sources! If you have gathered information outside of the magazine (which you should do) make sure that you write down where you found that information. If you use it in one of your texts you HAVE TO include it (list the source(s) at the end of your text).
  3. When you get the tasks; read the information (PRAKTISKE OPPLYSNINGER) at the beginning thoroughly! Here you will get information about font size, font, spacing and more.
  4. Read the tasks thoroughly! Make sure that you understand the tasks and that you can say YES to all the bulletpoints at the criteria checklist (there is a criteria checklist in each task).
  5. Plan your writing. Especially when it comes to Part B and your longer answer it is crucial that you make a draft / plan before you start to write.
  6. Make sure that you refer to texts in Perspectives Magazine when you are writing. Show the reader that some of the texts and quotes inspired you!
  7. Use connecting words and various ways to express your opinion. Avoid using the the words VERY and REALLY!
  8. Read through your texts thoroughly before you hand in your exam. You will get at checklist sheet you have to hand in with your exam.
  9. Bring energizing food! Not just candy :)

NB: Take a look at the chart below!

torsdag 13. november 2014

*Focus on writing

Grammar Joke
As you now know our focus the forthcoming weeks will be on your writing. When correcting your texts we found that there are still some grammatical issues you guys have to work on. We have found some exercises for you - put all the sentences down in your notebook. Make sure that you can explain to a fellow student in class why you chose the different conjugations of the verbs (subject-verb agreement).

Ex: Jane does not read a book.
In this sentence I used does because Jane is third person singular and the verb to do is always conjugated as does in the simple present (presens) when the subject is third person singular.

Go to the exercises by clicking on the links below (NB: Click on the TOGGLE EXAMPLE if you do not understand what you are supposed to do):

Also do this exercise which focus on the correct usage of there, their, they're (put the complete sentences down in your notebook):

9EF: This is homework for Thursday November 20th.
9CD: This is homework for Wednesday November 19th. (You may write the explanation down in Norwegian)


Achilles heel  is an expression that refers to a vulnerable area or a weak spot that could cause failure.
Do you know the story behind this expression? Find out! Try to put this idiom in a good sentence. Share it all in class!

9EF: This is homework for Tuesday November 18th.
9CD: This is homework for Wednesday November 19th.

fredag 7. november 2014

*Mock Exam Prep

The date for the Mock Exam is closing in - Thursday the 27th of November. We will spend most of our time the next couple of weeks preparing and working on your writing. You now know the drill - when writing non-fiction texts you have to plan your text thoroughly, you have to be able to write inspirational introductions (hook the reader), you have to have a thesis statement, you have to have great arguments, topic sentences and killer conclusions. We'll focus on planning essays/articles in class, being able to vary your language and using a vocabulary suitable for both the topic and the context.

9EF: You started on (and some of you completed) Task 1 and 2 from the 2013 Mock Exam in class on Thursday (you'll find both the tasks and an online version of Perspectives Magazine on Fronter at the English room under EF 2013). Go to Fronter and find your text and complete it (Archive -> English -> Task 1 and 2 - Overcoming Obstacles). Finish it and polish it! Make it as good as possible - use suitable words, a varied language and transition words and phrases. Use different ways to express your opinion. This is homework for Tuesday November 11th - we'll be at the computer room, so e-mail the text to yourself online.

NB! TAKE A LOOK AT THE CHART BELOW (click on it to make it bigger):

torsdag 6. november 2014


What do we mean when we say:

This is a catch 22 situation!

Put this idiom in an interesting context, share in class.

This is homework for 9EF for Thursday November 13th.

torsdag 30. oktober 2014

*Book discussions coming up!


9EF: We will start the book discussions on Thursday November 6th - come prepared! Also bring your novel to class on Tuesday November 4th.
9CD: you need to be prepared Monday 3rd of November.

In week 45 we will start book discussions one on one. We will talk to each and everyone of you – this is how you should prepare:

·        Make sure that you are done with your novel (remember how we told you to pick and read an English novel this fall).

·        You have to be able to give a short summary of the book, describe the setting and theme, the main character(s), the genre and the target audience.

·      You have to be able to explain thoroughly what you think about the novel – did you like it? Why? Why not? Give examples! Would you recommend the novel to your fellow students? Why? Why not?

·        You should also be able to explain why reading is important when it comes to language learning.

Our advice to you is to rehearse a lot before the book discussion. Find a friend, a parent, a sibling, whoever, and discuss the book! Remember that you also should be able to explain and give reasons for why reading is good for you. Try to use transition word and phrases - take a look at this webpage. Also check this webpage for useful phrases for discussion.

For input on the benefits of reading and the assessment criteria - see below:


Explain this idiom in your own words, share in class:
We will  cross that bridge when we get there.

torsdag 23. oktober 2014

*From Victims to Victors

This week we want you to read about a boy who used to be a bully victim. He decided to make a documentary about his experiences and he created a project to inspire people into taking action against bullying. Read about him in Perspectives Magazine at p. 13. Learn all the words by heart - you migt be tested!

Also go to his website and see the trailer of his film. Then write a text of about half a page where you explain if you think taking action against bullying is important or not, and why.

This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday the 28th of October.
This is homework for 9CD for Monday the 27th of October.

*Scout Bassett

Sometimes in life you are handed challenges that may seem difficult to overcome. Some people have the amazing ability to turn a challenge into an advantage. This week you will read the text about Scout Bassett.

1) Read the text, and learn ALL the words.
2) Explain the saying on the picture above, it is good to know!

If you like, you may watch this amazing video of Amy Purdy, who lost both her legs and still kept pursuing her dream.

This is homework for 9CD for Monday 27th of October.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 30th of October.


Explain this idiom in class:

Break the back of the beast.

torsdag 16. oktober 2014

*Symbols in literature

One of the keys to writing good literature and poetry is not to state everything clearly, but to use symbols for the reader to find out and give his own interpretation. This however, means that you as a reader have to read between the lines to find out what the poem or story is about.

We want you to read this text about symbols. Spend time to make sure you understand most of it.

This is homework for 9CD for Monday 20th of October.
This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday 21st of October.

*Yellow Ribbon

This week's short story is a wonderful, wonderful tale about an old man and the love of his life. Read the text in Perspectives Magazine and learn all the words by heart (you might be tested).

This is homework for:
9AB for Thursday October 23rd
9CD for Wednesday October 22nd
9EF for Tuesday October 21st

*Meet Tupac Shakur

Many of you have heard about Tupac Shakur. He is mostly known under his artist name 2pac. He was (and still is) a well known rapper. In addition to this he also wrote poetry.

Watch the short biography here.

Read the poem "The rose that grew from concrete" in Perspectives Magazine. Write a short text (half a page) about what you think this poem is about. How do you think this links to Tupac`s life and what`s your opinion on the poem. Bring the text to class!

This is homework for 9CD for Wednesday 22nd of October.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 23rd of October.

torsdag 9. oktober 2014

*Jackie Robinson

Throughout history people have had to overcome many difficulties. Being an African American in the U.S. was a struggle for centuries. Today we all take for granted that everyone is equal and deserve the same rights. Also when it comes to sports. This week we want you to meet Jackie Robinson, an athlete who grew up in an era when segragation and racism were part of the daily life. So hit the magazine at page 9 and read about him! Make sure that you know all the words (you might be tested).

This is homework for 9CD for Monday October 13
This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday October 14

*Thank You M'am

Meet Langston Huges. Langston wrote novels, short stories and poetry during a time when African Americans were expected to stay segregated from whites. But Langston was positive and believed that if you just kept going , you would overcome any obstacle.

This week's short story is a real treat. "Thank you M'am" is a wonderful story, and we can't wait to hear what you think about it.

Read "Thank You M'am" and make sure you understand all the words. Be prepared to talk about the story.

This is homework for 9CD for Wednesday 15th.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 16th.

Treat: Here is a wonderful poem by Huges, about overcoming difficulties and not give up.

*How to analyze characters

This week we are talking about characters. Often when you describe characters you describe their appearence. Now, we would like you to go deeper into the characters and describe their personalities.

Read this link.

Now write down notes on each of the two characters in Thank you M'am, and bring to class. (Do this thoroughly!)

This is homework for 9CD for Wednesday 15th.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 16th.


Find out what we mean when we say  ride the bumps. Share in class.

This is homework for 9CD for Monday 13th
This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday 14th

søndag 5. oktober 2014

*Idiom of week 41

"To be on pins and needles"!

Find out what it means and write a very short text where you put this idiom in a context.

This is homework for 9CD for Wednesday 8th.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 9th of October.


We have now finished our work on the subject "Money". Hopefully you have learned a bunch of new words, that will come in handy. We are now moving to a new subject: "Overcoming obstacles". This is a very exciting theme, as we combine history with your and other's personal stories. We will read some amazing short stories as well.

We will kick you off by having you read the article: "How to overcome fear" in Perspectives Magazine. Read the text and learn the words. Create 8 sentences using 8 of the words.

This is homework for 9CD for Wednesday 8th of October.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 9th of October.

If you like, you can watch the film of his jump here, it is AMAZING!

torsdag 25. september 2014

Have a FAB Fall Break our darlings!

Vacation time is coming up and it's time to relax, have fun, and spend quality time with family and friends. And read. Nothing says vacation like reading a good book. When the rain is pouring down and the wind is howling outside your window, having a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other is heaven on earth. Immerse yourself into another universe, forget the world around you. Read :)

If reading is not your cup of tea, why not take a look at some interesting YouTube-clips? Like this one where Emma Watson (you know the awesome Hermione from Harry Potter) gives a moving speech about gender equality in the UN. WARNING: This speech will make you fall in love with Emma Watson! (Here's a link if the video below is not working)

Or how about this video given by a beautiful model who urges you to put brains before beauty?

Whichever way you choose to spend your fall break, we wish you a great one!
Lots of love from Helle, Siri and Pia

torsdag 18. september 2014

Need to know more about Hinduism and Buddhism?

Of course you do, because there is simply no such thing as knowing too much when you're writing an informative article.

Sometimes religion can be difficult to understand, especially when you don't know anyone who practices the religion. A good tip is to google the religion and add "for kids" to your search. You will get links to places that try to explain difficult things in a simple manner. It is also a good technique to read about the same things different places, because things can become clearer through different explanations. Just remember to be critical of your sources!

This time we have done some of the the googling for you, and here are some good links that might prepare you for the test Thursday 25th.

Buddhism explained for kids.

Hinduism explained for kids.

More about Hinduism. (You can find a lot here)

Video dealing with both religions in a systematic way.

*Writing session coming up!

Next week you are to write a longer text at school where you will be graded. Make sure that you come prepared!

  1. You MUST have read the whole magazine and learned difficult words.
  2. You should make a list of things you know you have to work on (e.g. subject - verb agreement, the use of past and present tense, the use of capital I, etc.) in order to NOT make the same mistakes again and again. 9EF: Take a look at the letter you wrote to yourself before the summer vacation - you'll find it on Fronter under ARCHIVE and ENGLISH.
  3. Read up on transitional words and phrases - take a look at this webpage!
  4. Make sure that you know the basic rules of an essay and other genres - go to p. 244 - 251 in Key English if you need to refresh your memory.

  1. PLAN YOUR TEXT - it is crucial to plan your text before you start writing. Make a mind map where you brainstorm ideas. If you are to write an essay; find your thesis statement and all your arguements - make an outline where you put down your thesis statement and all your topic sentences. Then start writing.
  2. Use appropriate words and phrases which are related to the topic - show the reader that you have a varied language and that you have expanded your vocabulary while working with Perspectives Magazine.
  3. Use transitional words - but make sure that you use them correctly.
  4. If you write a non-fictional text (such as an essay) try to refer to texts in Perspectives Magazine. If you are to write about pocket money for instance it would be wise to show the reader that you have gained knowledge from the text "The Positives of Pocket Money for Kids".
  5. Do not hand in your text before you have re-read it several times. Rewrite sentences that don't sound right and make sure that your message is clear. Take a look at the list of things you know you have done wrong earlier and check if you have done the same mistakes again - correct them.
If you follow this list of advice you will be a killer writer in no time!


 9CD: Meet up by the computer rooms at 09.20 on Monday 21st.
9EF: You are to meet up at computer room 116 and 119A at 09.30 on Tuesday 22nd for your writing session.


Find out what living hand to mouth means. Write a paragraph in your scrap book where you put the idiom in a meaningfull context.

(If you are interested in the origins you can find it here!)

torsdag 11. september 2014

Dear Parents


This post is for you. We know you are very eager to help your teenager soar when it comes to  English, because you know how useful it is later in life. We have made this blog post for you, to give you tips on how to help out.

1. Encourage them to read. We cannot stress this enough. Help them find books they like to read, and make sure it is not too difficult. Talk to them about the book they read. HERE is a list of good young adult books, and underneath are some we have good experiences with.

  • Roald Dahl's books
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid
  • David Walliams' books (Gangster Gandma, Billionaire Boy etc.)
  • Once / Then/ Now/ by Morriz Gleitzman
  • Roald Dahl's ghost stories
  • The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne
  • The Fault in Our Stars (basically all books by John Green)
  • Harry Potter series
  • Twilight series
  • Hunger Game series
Remember when it comes to reading at home, quantity is more important than quality. 

2. Watch the news together. Watching the news and knowing what is going on around them, will help them in almost ANY subject. CNN STUDENT NEWS has 10 minutes of news every day, aimed at students. 

3. Make it easy for them to choose English:
  • Leave English magazines about football, fashion, knitting, tennis etc. in the bathroom.
  • Make sure they watch English films with English subtitles, or none at all when they are not available.

*Chief Seattle`s letter

There are many versions of the text you are reading this week. This is one of the shorter, easier versions. We have been talking about money for several weeks now, but the truth is, there are so many things money cannot buy.

Read this letter. While you read you should answer the following questions:
  • What is Chief Seattle`s message?
  • What does this text tell us about the Native American`s way of looking at life and nature?
  • How did this philosophy become a conflict with the new settlers?
Read the text. (If you like you can listen to it here.) Learn all the words.

This is homework for 9CD for Monday 15th September.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 18 September

*Native Americans

In Perspectives Magazine you are to read a letter written by Chief Seattle - a Native American tribe leader who lived during the 1800's. Before you read his letter you need some background information on Native Americans. Take a look at this website. Read page 1, 2, 3 and 4. Learn all the words (you might be tested)!

This is homework for:

9CD - Wednesday September 17th
9EF - Tuesday September 16th

*Idiom of the week


What does it mean to be loaded? Write a few sentences in your scrap book and share in class.

This is homework for:

9EF - Thursday September 18th
9CD - Wednesday September 17th

torsdag 4. september 2014

*Indian street kids starting their own bank

This week we are reading an article about street kids in India. It is important to remember with all this talk about money, that many people simply don't have any. Read this story, and learn all the words!

This is homework for

9CD: Monday 8th of September
9EF: Thursday 11th of September

Optional: Take a look at this thought provoking series of photos of where children sleep.

*Own it! (The 's-genitive)

Sometimes you will need to express a possessive relation between people or things. This means telling if someone/something belongs to someone/something.
In this case, you use an "'s" after the noun or the name. Take a look at the following example:
You have a book. But it is not your book, it is your friend's book. This means: the book belongs to your friend.
Read more about the 's-genitive HERE! Do all the tasks at this web-page - make sure that you write the complete sentences in your notebook as well.

9CD: This is homework for Wednesday September 10th
9EF: This is homework for Thursday September 11th

*An act of kindness

Sometimes in life, your heart tells you to do something unexpected. Read the story of a boy who chose to follow his heart, and really made a difference in someone's life.

a) Read the text "An act of kindness" and learn all the words.
b) If you were handed 10 000 Norwegian kroner to give to someone. Who would you give it to? It can be a person or an organization. Give good reasons for your answer. Write 1/2 a page.

This is homework for 9CD for Wednesday 10th of September.
This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday 9th of September.


Find out what we mean when we say time is money. Put the idiom in an interesting context in your rough book. Share in class.

torsdag 28. august 2014

*Concord / subject-verb agreement

It's time to refresh your memory on subject-verb agreement (also called concord). Remember how both the subject and the verb have to be either singular or plural? If not, read about it in Key English at page 220 -221.

Take a look at the YouTube-clip above (click on this link if the video doesn't work). Then do task 22 and 23 at page 21 in Key English (remember to explain why you have chosen each verb in task 22 and make sure that you write complete sentences in both tasks, not just the verb you want to use).

9CD: This is homework for Monday September 1st.
9EF: This is homework for Thursday September 4th.

*5 reasons to look for a summer job

Some of you have already spent parts of your summer working. Having your own money gives you liberty, and gives you a taste of what it is like being an adult. In addition it will give you work experience that will make it easier to land a better job in the future.

a) Read the text "5 reasons to look for a summer job" in Perspectives magazine. Learn all the words.
b) Imagine you are applying for a job at the local grocery store. The boss wants you to write a text about your best assets are, that will come in handy in this job. Write 1/2 a page. If you like, you can start like this: "My best quality is.............. In addition I....... (and then continue.)

This is for: 9 CD Monday 1st of September.

This is for: 9 EF Thursday 4th of September.

Optional: Here are some tips for the job interview! 


We would like you to read an excerpt from a novel called "Millions" written by Frank Cottrell Boyce (it is to be found in Perspectives Magazine). It is a fantastic story about two boys finding a lot of money. Maybe some of you would like to read the whole novel after reading this?The book was made into a film in 2004, if you have seen it, we would love your verdict! Write a comment to this post. Share your thoughts!

Homework: 9CD this is for Wednesday the 3rd (although we will not talk about it until the 8th because of the camping).

Homework: 9EF this is for Tuesday the 2nd (although we will not talk about it until the 4th because of the camping).


Explain the idiom  "to make ends meet". Put it in an interesting context ; write everything down in your rough book and be prepared to share in class.

9AB: This is homework for Tuesday September 9th.
9CD: This is homework for Wednesday September 3rd.
9EF: This is homework for Thursday September 4th.

torsdag 21. august 2014

*The Positives of Giving Kids Pocket Money

The theme for the following weeks is: MONEY. Up until recently, your parents have been providing what you need, but many of you probably start craving other things than what your parents are willing to provide. Maybe you would like a new jacket, even though you already have one that is just fine? Or maybe you just want to have the liberty to go to the movies without having to ask anyone for money.

This week we want you to read "The positives of giving kids pocket money" from Perspectives Magazine.


Read the text, and learn the words on the side. 

9CD: this is for Monday 25th.

9EF: We've already worked with the text in class, but read through it once more. Bring your notes from the class last Tuesday and meet up at computer room 119A on Tuesday 26th. 

Pocket money has gone up - read teens opinions. What is your opinion? We would love for you to share with a comment.

*Schoolboy lands every child's dream job

Most of you have probably been asked the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?", and many of you have some sort of answer. This week you are going to read about a boy who has landed a fantastic job.

Read the "Schoolboy lands every child's dream job" in Perspectives magazine and learn all the words. 

9AB: This is homework for Thursday 28th. 

9CD: This is homework for Wednesday 27th.

9EF: This is homework for Thursday 28th

What would your dream job be? Share as a comment if you like!

*Convince me! (Transition)

We have announced that we will focus a lot on writing this year. It is going to be lots of hard work, but it is also going to be extremely rewarding. Managing to write good essays (in any subject) is a form of art, and once you feel on top of it, it will benefit you in all subjects. 

We start by repeating something we have already spent time learning: Transitional words. This week we would like you to argue your point. Choose ONE of the following statements:

1) "Children should not receive pocket money for helping out at home, they should do so without getting paid."

2) "It is important to be rich to be happy."

Decide if you agree or disagree with the statement you have chosen. 

Now take a look at this chart:

Now write a text where you share you opinion, and use one transition word from each group (first paragraph, second, etc.)  Start your text like this:

"In my opinion......

(up to one page).

9AB: This is homework for Thursday 28th. Bring a copy if you write on a computer.
9CD: This is homework for Monday 25th. Bring a copy if you write on a computer.
9EF: This is homework for Tuesday 26th. Bring a copy if you write on a computer. Remember that you are to meet up at computer room 119A.

*Idiom of the week

Each week you will get a new idiom, and you have to be able to explain it in English. This week´s idiom is "to make a dollar out of 15 cents". Share in class.

9CD: Homework for Wednesday 27th.

9ABEF: Homework for Thursday 28th.

mandag 18. august 2014

*Welcome back!

Welcome back to school! Hopefully you have all enjoyed your summer vacation and that you now are fit and ready for your second year here at Nordseter.

This year we will start off with two English lessons a week. Then when the new semester starts after Christmas we will have four English lessons a week up until the summer vacation. We will be using Perspectives Magazine a lot - the first issue will be handed out to you this week. DO NOT LOSE IT!

9CDEF - you guys know the drill! Homework will be posted here every Thursday at 2 PM. All of the posts labeled with a star: * are obligatory, meaning that you have to read it and do the tasks.

To 9AB: WELCOME to the world of blogging! We are thrilled to have both you guys and Helle on board :)

9 CD: Bring a book on Monday 25th! 

9EF: Remember that you have to bring an English novel to class on Thursday 21st! Make sure that you choose a book that appeals to you :)

These are some of the books and authors we recommend:
  • The Hunger Games triology
  • The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
  • Everything by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Everything by Roald Dahl
  • Everything by J. K. Rowling
  • Everything by Morris Gleitzman
  • Everything by John Green
  • Everything by Paul Jennings
To find more titles take a look at this link!

onsdag 14. mai 2014

*Present it!

Every day newspapers from all over the English speaking world report what is happening in their areas. We now want you to help us introduce some of these news to your peers.

We would like you to:

Present an article from the English speaking world. Make sure your presentations contain the three following things:

1. Your explanation of the article - with pictures and key words.
2. Background for the article - this can be more about the country the event takes place, or the company, a conflict etc.
3. 5 words you think are important to understand in connection to the article - and you should explain them in English.

Take a look here to see the assessment criteria - you will be graded.

8EF: Never mind what I said about only using CNN Student News. You can use any article/news story from the English speaking world. Just remember that the news you are to present is fairly fresh. Take a look here to see when you are to present! You will find the list on Fronter as well.

8CD: you will get your time in class, and on Fronter Thursday.

onsdag 30. april 2014

It's all about news!

This week we are starting to talk about news. Your homework for this week is to watch one current episode of CNN student news. Once you have watched the episode, you click on the "teaching tools" and choose two of the fast facts to answer.

Your last oral presentation this year will be a presentation of a news story. You will get more info on this later!

onsdag 23. april 2014

*Mock Exam

Vacation time is over and THE MOCK EXAM is just around the corner!
Here is some useful advice for you:
  1. Come prepared! Make sure that you have read all the texts thoroughly and that you know the basic rules of the genres we have worked with this year.
  2. Write down sources! If you have gathered information outside of the magazine make sure that you write down where you found that information. If you use it in one of your texts you HAVE TO include it (list the source(s) at the end of your text).
  3. When you get the tasks; read the information (PRAKTISKE OPPLYSNINGER) at the beginning thoroughly! Here you will get information about font size, font, spacing and more.
  4. Read the tasks thoroughly! Make sure that you understand the tasks and that you can say YES to all the bulletpoints at the criteria checklist (there is a criteria checklist in each task).
  5. Plan your writing. Especially when it comes to Part B and your longer answer it is crucial that you make a draft / plan before you start to write.
  6. Read through your texts thoroughly before you hand in your exam. You will get at checklist sheet you have to hand in with your exam.
  7. Bring energizing food! Not just candy :)


onsdag 9. april 2014

*Perspectives Magazine is now available!

This season's issue of Perspectives Magazine is now available! This time the main topic is WORDS. To find it log on to Fronter and click on the folder called Ressurser and then click on the icon CAPPELEN DAMM. You have to type in your Fronter username and password. It might take a while before you are admitted the first time because one of us teachers has to confirm that you are a pupil at Nordseter. Just wait a while and then try again (the same procedure). 

We will work with the texts at school after the holidays, but you should grasp this opportunity to read the magazine during Easter. Because it is a great issue! We're talking Roald Dahl, six-word stories plus lots of other interesting texts. Remember that each text has an audio file so you can listen to the text being read while you read it yourself. We really recommend you to do that!

And OMG, there's a brilliant article on slang in the magazine:

"So, FYI: You better start studying, innit, so your exam will turn out money instead of an epic fail! #yolo"

onsdag 2. april 2014

*The True Story of the Wolf and Three Little Pigs

You have all probably heard the story of the Three Little Pigs. You know, the one where they build three houses in different materials in order to keep the Big Bad Wolf out (if you don't remember the story - click here). Well according to the Big Bad Wolf himself that story is not the real story. The real one is to be found in Key English at page 36 - 37. Read his story and do task 5 - 7 page 38.

If you want the story read out loud by the Big Bad Wolf himself - take a look at the video above!

8EF - this is homework for Tuesday April 8th - bring both Key English and your homework to class.

*Recap of last week's homework 8EF

Seeing your presentations about subcultures this week has been marvellous. Many of you have truly put a lot of work into it and some of the costumes were splendid! I love how many of you really went all in, looking like an authentic person from your chosen subculture. I am impressed!

But not all of you have given your presentation yet; you are to do it on Monday April 7th. Come prepared!

Furthermore; we did not have time to go through the *From present to past homework in class this week, so please bring your text to school on Monday 7th.

Until then; enjoy the beautiful hippie song "California Dreamin'" by The Mamas & The Papas :)

Peace out!

onsdag 26. mars 2014

*Oral Presentation - Subcultures

This week all your homework is to prepare for the oral presentation about a subculture of your choice. The key is to plan your presentation well and to rehearse. A LOT! Rehearse in front of your parents, siblings, friends, mirror, dog, cat - you name it! The more prepared you are on the day of the presentation, the more confident you are. We can't wait to see you all dressed up and in character!

Click on this LINK to find the task and the assessment criterias.

Check out this WIKIHOW link on how to give a good presentation.

Take a look at the YouTube-clip above - "Rapper's Delight" is one of the first rap songs ever made (1979)  and it made the Hip Hop culture popular all over the U.S and around the world. As you can see the hip hop fashion style has changed quite a lot since then!

8CD: The presentations will start on Wednesday April 9th - COME PREPARED!
8EF: The presentations will start on Tuesday April 1st - COME PREPARED!

onsdag 19. mars 2014

*From present to past

Many of you find it difficult to understand when to use the past and when to use the present tense, so this week we would like you to transform the following text from the present tense into the past tense. Bring your text to class!

"Tom works at a bank.  He is the manager.  He starts work 
every day at 8:00 am.  He finishes work every day at 6:00 
pm.  He lives very close to the bank.  He walks to work 
every day.  His brother and sister also work at the bank.  
But, they do not live close to the bank.  They drive cars to 
work.  They start work at 9:00 am.  In the bank, Tom is the 
boss.  He helps all the workers and tells them what to do.  
He likes his job.  He is also very good at his job.  Many 
customers like Tom, and they say hello to him when they 
come to the bank.  Tom likes to talk to the customers and 
make them feel happy.  Tom really likes his job."

This is homework for 8cd for Wednesday 26th.
This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 25th.

*Oral Presentation - Subcultures

As we are leaving the strange and wonderful world of Roald Dahl we are entering another strange and wonderful world - namely the world of subcultures. A subculture is a group of people with different ideologies and usually different fashion and music tastes than that of the larger culture they are a part of.

It all started in the 1950s and 1960s with the Rock 'n ' Roll generation. Suddenly young people listened to another type of music than their parents, they dressed differently, had different hairstyles, they went to the movies and they did "The Twist" (see YouTube-clip above)! They even talked differently, using slang such as: "See you later, alligator. After a while, crocodile!".

Since then several subcultures have come forth - here are some of the most famous ones:
  • Rockabilly
  • Hippies
  • Goths
  • Grunge
  • Hip-Hoppers
  • Heavy Metal
  • New Age
  • Skaters
  • Emo
You are to give an oral presentation about a subculture. You will get the task and the assessment criterias next week in class, but you should think about which subculture you would like to learn more about and decide whether you would like give your presentation alone or with a friend/friends (you can be no more than three persons giving a presentation). You will be graded individually.

To learn more about youth cultures and subcultures you are to read the text "Fashion, Styles and Trends" p. 128 - 131 and do task 10 and 11 p. 132 in Key English.

This is homework for 8EF for Monday March 24th - BRING KEY ENGLISH TO CLASS!
This is homework for 8CD for Tuesday March 26th - BRING KEY ENGLISH TO CLASS!

torsdag 13. mars 2014

A challenge

We have a challenge for you. This is not something you HAVE to do (unless you want to become fluent in English...).

Every day, CNN posts a 10 minute segment of student news. This is an AMAZING way to both keep up with the daily news AND learn important English words. How about making this a daily part of your breakfast routine? We challenge you to watch at least 2 of these the following week. Feel free to discuss the questions with your family as well!