torsdag 21. august 2014

*The Positives of Giving Kids Pocket Money

The theme for the following weeks is: MONEY. Up until recently, your parents have been providing what you need, but many of you probably start craving other things than what your parents are willing to provide. Maybe you would like a new jacket, even though you already have one that is just fine? Or maybe you just want to have the liberty to go to the movies without having to ask anyone for money.

This week we want you to read "The positives of giving kids pocket money" from Perspectives Magazine.


Read the text, and learn the words on the side. 

9CD: this is for Monday 25th.

9EF: We've already worked with the text in class, but read through it once more. Bring your notes from the class last Tuesday and meet up at computer room 119A on Tuesday 26th. 

Pocket money has gone up - read teens opinions. What is your opinion? We would love for you to share with a comment.

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