onsdag 23. april 2014

*Mock Exam

Vacation time is over and THE MOCK EXAM is just around the corner!
Here is some useful advice for you:
  1. Come prepared! Make sure that you have read all the texts thoroughly and that you know the basic rules of the genres we have worked with this year.
  2. Write down sources! If you have gathered information outside of the magazine make sure that you write down where you found that information. If you use it in one of your texts you HAVE TO include it (list the source(s) at the end of your text).
  3. When you get the tasks; read the information (PRAKTISKE OPPLYSNINGER) at the beginning thoroughly! Here you will get information about font size, font, spacing and more.
  4. Read the tasks thoroughly! Make sure that you understand the tasks and that you can say YES to all the bulletpoints at the criteria checklist (there is a criteria checklist in each task).
  5. Plan your writing. Especially when it comes to Part B and your longer answer it is crucial that you make a draft / plan before you start to write.
  6. Read through your texts thoroughly before you hand in your exam. You will get at checklist sheet you have to hand in with your exam.
  7. Bring energizing food! Not just candy :)


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