onsdag 2. april 2014

*The True Story of the Wolf and Three Little Pigs

You have all probably heard the story of the Three Little Pigs. You know, the one where they build three houses in different materials in order to keep the Big Bad Wolf out (if you don't remember the story - click here). Well according to the Big Bad Wolf himself that story is not the real story. The real one is to be found in Key English at page 36 - 37. Read his story and do task 5 - 7 page 38.

If you want the story read out loud by the Big Bad Wolf himself - take a look at the video above!

8EF - this is homework for Tuesday April 8th - bring both Key English and your homework to class.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Gjelder denne leksen for c-klassen også?

  2. Gjelder dette for C klassen ogsà?
