onsdag 19. mars 2014

*From present to past

Many of you find it difficult to understand when to use the past and when to use the present tense, so this week we would like you to transform the following text from the present tense into the past tense. Bring your text to class!

"Tom works at a bank.  He is the manager.  He starts work 
every day at 8:00 am.  He finishes work every day at 6:00 
pm.  He lives very close to the bank.  He walks to work 
every day.  His brother and sister also work at the bank.  
But, they do not live close to the bank.  They drive cars to 
work.  They start work at 9:00 am.  In the bank, Tom is the 
boss.  He helps all the workers and tells them what to do.  
He likes his job.  He is also very good at his job.  Many 
customers like Tom, and they say hello to him when they 
come to the bank.  Tom likes to talk to the customers and 
make them feel happy.  Tom really likes his job."

This is homework for 8cd for Wednesday 26th.
This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 25th.

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