onsdag 26. mars 2014

*Oral Presentation - Subcultures

This week all your homework is to prepare for the oral presentation about a subculture of your choice. The key is to plan your presentation well and to rehearse. A LOT! Rehearse in front of your parents, siblings, friends, mirror, dog, cat - you name it! The more prepared you are on the day of the presentation, the more confident you are. We can't wait to see you all dressed up and in character!

Click on this LINK to find the task and the assessment criterias.

Check out this WIKIHOW link on how to give a good presentation.

Take a look at the YouTube-clip above - "Rapper's Delight" is one of the first rap songs ever made (1979)  and it made the Hip Hop culture popular all over the U.S and around the world. As you can see the hip hop fashion style has changed quite a lot since then!

8CD: The presentations will start on Wednesday April 9th - COME PREPARED!
8EF: The presentations will start on Tuesday April 1st - COME PREPARED!

4 kommentarer:

  1. vi klarer ikke komme oss inn på linken. Verken på pc eller telefon.

    - Mathilde og Sunniva

  2. første link funker ikke

  3. kommer heller ikke inn

  4. Søren, jeg som trodde at jeg fikk det til! Beklager - prøv igjen nå. Heldigvis ligger den også ute på Fronter også (EF). - Pia
