torsdag 21. august 2014

*Convince me! (Transition)

We have announced that we will focus a lot on writing this year. It is going to be lots of hard work, but it is also going to be extremely rewarding. Managing to write good essays (in any subject) is a form of art, and once you feel on top of it, it will benefit you in all subjects. 

We start by repeating something we have already spent time learning: Transitional words. This week we would like you to argue your point. Choose ONE of the following statements:

1) "Children should not receive pocket money for helping out at home, they should do so without getting paid."

2) "It is important to be rich to be happy."

Decide if you agree or disagree with the statement you have chosen. 

Now take a look at this chart:

Now write a text where you share you opinion, and use one transition word from each group (first paragraph, second, etc.)  Start your text like this:

"In my opinion......

(up to one page).

9AB: This is homework for Thursday 28th. Bring a copy if you write on a computer.
9CD: This is homework for Monday 25th. Bring a copy if you write on a computer.
9EF: This is homework for Tuesday 26th. Bring a copy if you write on a computer. Remember that you are to meet up at computer room 119A.

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