fredag 7. november 2014

*Mock Exam Prep

The date for the Mock Exam is closing in - Thursday the 27th of November. We will spend most of our time the next couple of weeks preparing and working on your writing. You now know the drill - when writing non-fiction texts you have to plan your text thoroughly, you have to be able to write inspirational introductions (hook the reader), you have to have a thesis statement, you have to have great arguments, topic sentences and killer conclusions. We'll focus on planning essays/articles in class, being able to vary your language and using a vocabulary suitable for both the topic and the context.

9EF: You started on (and some of you completed) Task 1 and 2 from the 2013 Mock Exam in class on Thursday (you'll find both the tasks and an online version of Perspectives Magazine on Fronter at the English room under EF 2013). Go to Fronter and find your text and complete it (Archive -> English -> Task 1 and 2 - Overcoming Obstacles). Finish it and polish it! Make it as good as possible - use suitable words, a varied language and transition words and phrases. Use different ways to express your opinion. This is homework for Tuesday November 11th - we'll be at the computer room, so e-mail the text to yourself online.

NB! TAKE A LOOK AT THE CHART BELOW (click on it to make it bigger):

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