tirsdag 15. desember 2015

This year´s Christmas song!

OMG! We almost forgot our Christmas tradition this year! But in this context, almost is good enough - there´s still plenty of time ;)

Take a look at the lyrics above or click here, and be ready to sing your heart out on Friday!

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Xmas!

tirsdag 1. desember 2015

*Making a difference - prepare for discussions

After the Christmas vacation we will start group discussions on the topic "Making a difference" where you will be graded. 

10EF: We will be using the KRLE lessons as well - meaning that 10E will already start discussions the first day after Christmas - Tuesday January 5th (10F will start Wednesday January 6th)! It is essential that you come prepared this day - no second chances!
10CD this goes for you as well! We´ll start Tuesday January 5th.

You must have read all the texts in Perspectives Magazine (which is to be found online + you have been given a print-out version as well). Be prepared for a discussion related to the topic “Making a difference” – take a look at these goals:

  • To be able to discuss the topic “making a difference” using a suitable and varied language and vocabulary.
  • To be able to explain which issue you believe is the most important to solve in the world today and why.
  • To be able to explain and discuss the small things you can do to make a difference.
  • To be able to discuss both famous and unsung heroes who have made a difference.
  • To be able to discuss both fictional and factual texts connected to the topic “making a difference” (the texts in Perspectives Magazine).
  • To know different ways to express your opinion, discuss and argue.

Rules of thumb when it comes to discussions:

  • Come prepared - read Perspectives Magazine - making a difference! Look at the questions on it's learning (both the PP and the questions you all answered on it's - all is to be found under Engelsk muntlig).
  • Rehearse. Discuss the topic with family and friends. 
  • Stay away from gibberish - make sure that you always can give reasons for your answer and that you always have examples related to the topic (please use examples from Perspectives Magazine and others sources from class).

Kjennetegn på måloppnåelse, samtale/diskusjon

Under middels 1/2
Middels 3/4
Over middels 5/6
Du kan si noen setninger, men mangler ordforråd for å kunne uttrykke det du ønsker.
Du snakker stort sett flytende, og har et for det meste tilstrekkelig ordforråd.
Du snakker flytende og med et variert ordforråd som også er temaspesifikt.
Du snakker utydelig og med mye uttalefeil.
Du snakker stort sett tydelig og har for det meste god uttale.
Du snakker tydelig og med god uttale.
Du forstår noe av det som blir sagt, og kan svare på direkte spørsmål.
Du forstår stort sett det som blir sagt, og deltar til dels aktivt i samtalen.
Du forstår det som blir sagt, og deltar i samtalen på eget initiativ.
Du kan i noen grad uttrykke egne meninger, men klarer i liten grad å begrunne eller utdype påstander.
Du gir i noen grad uttrykk for egne meninger og kan til dels begrunne/utdype påstander.
Du gir uttrykk for egne meninger og kan begrunne/utdype påstander.
Du viser i liten grad egen refleksjon omkring oppgavens tema.
Du presenterer i noen grad egne tanker omkring oppgavens tema.
Du reflekterer omkring oppgavens tema.

Disse kompetansemålene vil bli dekket:

Mål for opplæringen er at eleven skal kunne
  • bruke ulike situasjoner, arbeidsmåter og læringsstrategier for å utvikle egne ferdigheter i engelsk
  • velge og bruke ulike lytte- og talestrategier tilpasset formålet
  • forstå og bruke et generelt ordforråd knyttet til forskjellige emner
  • vise evne til å skille mellom positivt og negativt ladede uttrykk som refererer til enkeltindivider og grupper av mennesker
  • forstå hovedinnhold og detaljer i ulike typer muntlige tekster om forskjellige emner
  • lytte til og forstå varianter av engelsk fra forskjellige autentiske situasjoner
  • uttrykke seg med flyt og sammenheng tilpasset formål og situasjon
  • uttrykke og begrunne egen mening om forskjellige emner
  • innlede, holde i gang og avslutte samtaler om forskjellige emner ved å stille spørsmål og følge opp innspill
  • bruke sentrale mønstre for uttale, intonasjon, ordbøying og ulike setningstyper i kommunikasjon
  • forstå og bruke ulike uttrykk for tall og andre data i kommunikasjon
  • drøfte levesett og omgangsformer i Storbritannia, USA, andre engelskspråklige land og Norge
  • gjøre rede for trekk ved historie og geografi i Storbritannia og USA
  • drøfte ulike typer engelskspråklige litterære tekster fra engelskspråklige land
  • samtale om og formidle aktuelle og faglige emner

onsdag 11. november 2015

*Mock Exam Preparation


As you now know the date of the English mock exam is Tuesday November 24. You will get the preparation material the day before + three lessons in class to read and work with the magazine and its topic. The reason for why you get the preparation material only a day before the actual mock exam, is because this is the way it is done on the exam.

In order for you to prepare and practice your writing, we are going spend the next couple of weeks working with this season's issue of Perspectives Magazine and the tasks related to the magazine. The form of these tasks are the same as the form which will be given on the actual mock exam.

NB! Both your English lessons and your KRLE lessons will be devoted to mock exam preparation - so no KRLE the next couple of weeks! 

NB2! If you want feedback on your text about "Making a difference", finish it (both Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3A, B, C or D) by Wednesday night and send it to me in an e-mail: pia.lund@osloskolen.no


I will also have a conversation with each and every one of you about the subject of English (fagsamtale). I will start the conversations on Monday November 16. This is how you should prepare:

  • If you have any questions regarding your development and goals in the subject of English - write them down in your notebook!
  • Make at least three goals for yourself when it comes to your written English - they have to be constructive!
  • Bring both your corrected text from the writing session (I have a dream) and the assessment sheet.
Preparing for this conversation is homework for Monday November 16!

onsdag 4. november 2015

Cinema Nordseter

Due to a small glitch in our planning, Cinema Nordseter was not up and running last week. We beg for your forgiveness!

In order to mend our wrongdoing we have for you this week a truly wonderful film about two aboriginal girls in Australia. The film is based on a true story, and it won many awards after its release in 2002.

You will learn, laugh and cry - the film is powerful and visually beautiful! Come see it tomorrow Thursday November 5 at U11 - bring candy and crisps - bring a friend! You will not regret it :)

Take a look at the trailer above (the resolution of the actual film is much better - we promise)!

onsdag 14. oktober 2015

*Presentation Indigenous Peoples

This week we have started on a group project on indigenous peoples in the English speaking world. See the task below.

We will start presentations in week 45 and working with this project will be your only homework for the next couple of weeks. Good luck! 

Click below to find the task, competence aims and assessment criteria: 

tirsdag 13. oktober 2015

Cinema Nordseter

Our work with American history is coming to an end for now. A great way to wrap it all up is to see the film "The Butler"!

This film looks at the life of a White House butler who served eight presidents from 1952 to 1986 and had a unique front-row seat during a tumultuous period of American history. The film is loosely built on a true story, and filled with prominent actors such as Oprah Winfrey, Forest Whitaker, Robin Williams, Jane Fonda, Cuba Gooding Jr.and many more.

Come and see it - you will not regret it :) Meet up at U11 on Thursday at 2 p.m.!

onsdag 7. oktober 2015

*I have a dream - a must-read before Monday

One of the things you will be asked to discuss during the writing session on Monday is Martin Luther King Jr.'s world-known speech "I have a dream". Read the excerpt below, make sure you understand it and that you know what the "March on Washington" was. This text will also be handed out in class today. You should also see the video clip above - Martin Luther King Jr. was known for his great speeches and the way he delivered them. If the video does not work - click here!

"I have a dream"  
Speech given by Martin Luther King Jr. at the "March on Washington", 1963 (abridged) 
I say to you today, my friends, though, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."  

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.  

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream . . . I have a dream that one day in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.  

I have a dream today . . .  


This will be the day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with new meaning. "My country, ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim’s pride, from every mountain side, let freedom ring." And if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.  
But not only that. Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi, from every mountain side. Let freedom ring. 

When we allow freedom to ring—when we let it ring from every city and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last, Free at last, Great God a-mighty, We are free at last." 

*How to prepare for Monday!

Rules of thumb when it comes to writing sessions:
  1. Come prepared!
    1. Read through the timeline you made in the beginning of the semester. Look at the blog, notes from class and homework, and the compendium "American History".
    2. Read the excerpt from Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech "I have a dream". See blog post above.
  2. Read the tasks thoroughly! Make sure that you understand the tasks and that you know what the task is asking you to do.
  3. Show your knowledge, but make sure that you stick to the topic.
  4. Show that you have expanded your vocabulary by using words such as civil rights, independence, abolition, declaration, constitution, segregation, freedom fighter, equality, emancipation correctly.
  5. Use connecting words and various ways to express your opinion. Avoid using the words VERY and REALLY! 
  6. Read through your text thoroughly before you hand it in. Check for errors, typos, and verb conjugations. Your message must be clear – rewrite sentences if you are unsure. Make sure you don’t do the same mistakes as you have done earlier.
  7. Remember:
    1. That you can bring all the aids you need - but you cannot use the Internet. 
    2. That you only have two school hours to complete the task - so come prepared.
    3. Check this out. It´s just a hint.

onsdag 16. september 2015

*Civil Rights Movement

The Civil Rights Movement sparked off with events such as the death of Emmett Till. And it truly sparked off when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. She stood up against an unfair system and government by sitting down! It has been said that the death of Emmett Till and the trial afterwards had made Rosa Parks especially angry, and that he was in the back of her mind when she refused to move.

Read about the Civil Rights Movement in your compendium at page 20 - 21. Then write a summary of the text where you include the most important events and facts.

10EF: This is homework for Wednesday September 23. 

*Meet Malcolm X

Not everyone shared Martin Luther King's thoughts on gently and non-violently asking for civil rights.

Read the following text about Malcolm X.

Answer the following questions carefully in your book:

1. Why do you think young Malcolm was angry at the American Society?
2. Why did he take X as hs last name?
3. Why did he convert to Islam?
4. How did the pilgrimage to Mecca change his views?

If you like, you may watch this short film of Malcolm.

This is homework for Wednesday 23rd of September.

tirsdag 15. september 2015

Cinema Nordseter

This week's film showing at Cinema Nordseter is "The Help". The film is based on a novel written by Kathryn Stockett. The setting is in Jackson, Mississippi (you know, one of those beautiful Southern states), the year is 1963 (in the midst of the Civil Right era and movement), and we meet white Southern ladies and their help/maids.

Seeing the film is a great way to get an insight on how the period of the 1950's and 60's was in the U.S.A., especially in the Southern states. This was an era where Black Americans started to speak up against the unfair government and their laws. They were fed up. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand that the term "separate but equal" is a contradiction...

The film has won several awards, including an Oscar. It is a warm, sad, interesting and, at times, a quite funny story. Come and see it - you will not regret it :)

onsdag 9. september 2015

*American History essay

This week you are going to finish parts of your essay on American history. Your essay should include:

An introduction, with a clear thesis statement.

Three body paragraphs with clear topic sentences.

The three body paragraphs should be about

  • The first settlers
  • The War of Independence (and the Declaration of Independence)
  • The Civil War and the abolition of slavery.
Feel free to include other paragraphs, and feel free to finish the essay. 

NB! Vary your language, use connecting words and use some of the new words you have learned while working with this topic:

civil rights, independence, abolition, declaration, constitution, segregation, freedom fighter, equality, emancipation

HW: For 10CDEF for Wednesday 16th. Upload the text on "itslearning" - go to Fag -> Engelsk skriftlig -> Essay American History

*The Death of Emmett Till

After the Civil War and the abolition of slavery there was a century in U.S. history where black Americans were free but far from equal. In the Southern states blacks were treated particularly bad. One event that partly sparked the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950's and 60's was the death of a black boy named Emmett Till. The young artist Bob Dylan even wrote a song about it. Listen to the song and read the lyrics below. Then write a summary of what the lyrics are about. 

10CDEF: This is homework for Wednesday September 16th

The Death of Emmett Till 
’Twas down in Mississippi not so long ago
When a young boy from Chicago town stepped through a Southern door
This boy’s dreadful tragedy I can still remember well
The color of his skin was black and his name was Emmett Till
Some men they dragged him to a barn and there they beat him up
They said they had a reason, but I can’t remember what
They tortured him and did some things too evil to repeat
There were screaming sounds inside the barn, there was laughing sounds
out on the street
Then they rolled his body down a gulf amidst a bloody red rain
And they threw him in the waters wide to cease his screaming pain
The reason that they killed him there, and I’m sure it ain’t no lie
Was just for the fun of killin’ him and to watch him slowly die
And then to stop the United States of yelling for a trial
Two brothers they confessed that they had killed poor Emmett Till
But on the jury there were men who helped the brothers commit this
awful crime
And so this trial was a mockery, but nobody seemed to mind
I saw the morning papers but I could not bear to see
The smiling brothers walkin’ down the courthouse stairs
For the jury found them innocent and the brothers they went free
While Emmett’s body floats the foam of a Jim Crow southern sea
If you can’t speak out against this kind of thing, a crime that’s so unjust
Your eyes are filled with dead men’s dirt, your mind is filled with dust
Your arms and legs they must be in shackles and chains, and your blood
it must refuse to flow
For you let this human race fall down so God-awful low!
This song is just a reminder to remind your fellow man
That this kind of thing still lives today in that ghost-robed Ku Klux Klan
But if all of us folks that thinks alike, if we gave all we could give
We could make this great land of ours a greater place to live

onsdag 2. september 2015

*The Rabid Racists

The Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1866 after the Civil War had freed the slaves. Find out why the Ku Klux Klan was formed and give examples of what they did. Write at least half a page.

This is homework for 10EF for Monday September 7th.
This is homework for 10CD for Monday September 7th.

*Strange Fruit

Strange fruit was a poem written in 1937 by a teacher named Abel Meeropol. Many singers have performed it as a song - most famous is Billie Holiday's version.

Read the poem below and listen to Billie Holiday's version. Then write a text where you explain what you believe the poem is really about. Give examples from the poem. Write at least half a page.

Strange Fruit

Southern trees bear strange fruit
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees

Pastoral scene of the gallant south
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh

Here is fruit for the crows to pluck
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop
Here is a strange and bitter crop

This is homework for 10EF for Monday September 7th
This is homework for 10 CD for Monday September 7th

*Meet Langston Hughes

This is Langston Hughes. He was born in 1902. He is a famous poet, writer and playwright.


1) From what you have learned about American history, what was the USA like in 1902 for black people? Write a short text. Use specific vocabulary. (Ex: civil war, segregation, equality)

2) Read this short text about the Harlem Renaissance. 

3) Watch this film.

3) Describe in your own words what the Harlem Renaissance was and why Langston Hughes played an important part. 1/2-1 page.

10CD for Wednesday 9th of September
10EF for Wednesday 9th of September

tirsdag 1. september 2015

Cinema Nordseter

The Thursday to come (September 3rd) will be the first showing of a film related to what you are doing in class.

The film is called "Glory" and is about the Civil War. You will follow the first unit of Afro-American soldiers in the Union Army (the army who represented the northern states, Lincoln's army). These men were fighting to keep the U.S.A. united, and most of all they were fighting for the freedom of slaves in the southern states. These men were the true freedom fighters of the Civil War! The film is based on a true story!

The film is old, but golden. It won three Oscars plus many more rewards! Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman make the film even better. Keep in mind though that this is a war movie - there will be fighting and death (some of the scenes are quite brutal).

Nevertheless; this is a film everyone ought to see - it has been named the best Civil War movie ever made! Meet up at U11 at 2 pm on Thursday September 3rd, and enter Cinema Nordseter :)

onsdag 26. august 2015

*The American Civil War

The American Civil War is one of the most important events in American history. It is very important that you know why it broke out, and what it led to (AND what it didn't lead to).

1. Read the following two links:

North and South

Emancipation Proclamation

In addition you should read "The American Civil War" + the text about Abraham Lincoln on page 11 - 14 in the compendium.

2. Explain in your own words what caused the Civil War and how it ended.
3. Choose five words you did not know before, write them down and make new sentences with them.

10CDEF: For Monday 31st of August.

*Abraham Lincoln

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” 
On Monday you guys interpreted this excerpt from The Declaration of Independence (signed 4th of July, 1776). It is time to jump forward some 75 years and get to know one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history; namely Abraham Lincoln. This is the guy who led U.S.A. through the Civil War (1861 – 1865) - trying to keep the country united while fighting for the freeing of the slaves. He believed that ALL men was created equal – not just the white man. Let’s just call him “Awesome Abe”, because he was truly awesome – THE Freedom Fighter of the 19th century.
Take a look at the video-clip above. Write down 10 facts you find important to know when it comes to “Awesome Abe” and bring them to class.
10EF: This is homework for Monday 31st of August

*History of Slavery in the U.S.

You now know that president Lincoln freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. But what is the history of slavery in the U.S? Click HERE to learn more about it!

1. Read the article.
2. Write a short summary using your own words (about half a page).

10EF: This is homework for Wednesday September 2nd
10CD: This is homework for Wednesday September 2nd

onsdag 19. august 2015

*The Declaration of Independence

On Monday we will look into the American Revolution. For that lesson you are to read about the causes of the revolution + see the film clip above. This clip is about The Declaration of Independence. This declaration was actually a letter to King George III (in England) written by Thomas Jefferson. He was part of a committee which included Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingstone and Roger Sherman. These five gentlemen have later been called "The Founding Fathers". On the 4th of July in 1776 the declaration was signed by all five (plus many many more "important" men) - a new nation was born!

Homework for 10EF for Monday the 24th: Read page 4 and 5 in the compendium. Then see the film clip above. Why do you think Thomas Jefferson and his crew wrote the declaration to the King in England? Think of what you have read and what you see in the film. Write at least half a page.

Homework for 10CD for Monday the 24th: Read page 4 and 5 in the compendium. Then see the film clip above. Why do you think Thomas Jefferson and his crew wrote the declaration to the King in England? Think of what you have read and what you see in the film. Write at least half a page.

*Star Spangled Banner

The Americans love their flag and their national anthem, and who can blame them when they have singers like Whitney Houston to perform it? (Well, had. Houston sadly passed away in 2012) Listen to this!

Others use the anthem to criticize the government, such as Jimi Hendrix at the Woodstock festival in 1969. Listen how he makes his guitar sound like bombs falling, as a critique against the war the American troops fought in Vietnam. This is probably one of the most famous performances of the song.

Homework for 10EF for Wednesday 26th: Listen to the two perfomances of "Star Spangled Banner". Then read page 7 and 8  in the compendium "American History". What do you believe is the main message of this song? Write half a page.

Homework for 10CD for Wednesday 26th: Listen to the two perfomances of "Star Spangled Banner". Then read page 7 and 8  in the compendium "American History". What do you believe is the main message of this song? Write half a page.

*Meet Mr. George Washington

This week we want you to learn more about George Washington, the first US President (Barack Obama is the 44th, by the way).

Homework for 10 CDEF for 26th of August: Watch the movie above. Afterwards, write down everything you remember. Then discuss the following question (at least half a page):

Would you consider George Washington a freedom fighter? Why/why not?

torsdag 30. april 2015

*Oral Presentations

Please don't...

Planning and preparing for the oral presentation will be your only homework the next couple of weeks. 9EF: as you all now hopefully know, the task and the assessment criteria is to be found on Fronter at the English page.

Break a leg!

And remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Work on your presentation steadily throughout the next weeks, do not wait until the last couple of days.

torsdag 23. april 2015

*Tips and advice for the mock exam!

You have now spent the last couple of weeks preparing for the mock exam. You should know and be able to use the focus words, you have to have read all the texts and you should have made a list of all the things YOU have to remember when it comes to your written English.
When it comes to the actual day of your mock exam there are some things your guys need to remember:
  • Do not spend too much time on the shorter answers - remember only two paragraphs on each task. Make sure that you stick to the topic and answer the task – use the same words and phrases as in the task!
  • Make sure that you spend quite some time planning your longer answer. 9EF; use the writing frame! Go for an essay/article unless you get a brilliant idea for a short story (and it better be brilliant). MAKE SURE THAT YOU TRULY UNDERSTAND WHAT THE TASK IS ASKING AND THAT YOU ANSWER THE TASK COMPLETELY! Make a solid thesis statement (again; use words and phrases found in the task), stick to the topic, stay away from gibberish and bring a list of things you have to remember when you write.
  • You may bring all sorts of aids except gadgets you can use to communicate with others.
Click on the link to find useful transition words and phrases.

torsdag 9. april 2015

*Mock Exam Preparations

The date of the mock exam is getting closer (Monday April 27) and it's time to prepare. A new issue of Perspectives Magazine is out and this season the topic is Going Green! To find the new issue: log on to Fronter, then click on the folder called RESSURSER and find the icon for Cappelen Damm. Log on to the webpage by using the same username and password as in Fronter. You'll find the link to the online magazine under MIN SIDE.

To read and work with the texts will be your homework for the next couple of weeks!

Happy reading (and GO GREEN)!


NB! If you want to get additional feedback on a written text before the mock exam, take a look at the task below. Write the text, send it to me in an e-mail and you will get feedback within a few days :)

Task 3A
Considering start times

In the text “Hitting the snooze button” you have read about new research which shows
that later start times in high school might be good for students.

Imagine that the editor of a student magazine has asked you to write a text in which
you share your thoughts about start times in high school. Choose a suitable title and
type of text.

Suitable types of text could be a discussion (both sides), an opinion piece (one side) or
an article.

NB2! We highly recommend the documentary No Impact Man. It shows how far some people are willing to go to save the planet. These people went green all the way. Unfortunately we do not have time to see it in class, but why not make a movie-night out of it? Invite some friends, pop some corn and enjoy the film (it is to be found on Netflix). Take a look at below to see the trailer (or click here).

*Focus Words "Going Green"

When working with Perspectives Magazine we want you to learn, know how to use and be able to explain some words that we believe are important when it comes to the topic of going green.

These are the FOCUS WORDS:

Rethink – reduce – reuse – recycle
Individual – local – global level
Global warming
Natural resources
Carbon footprint

Take a look at the YouTube video above (or click here) where the great Joni Mitchell sings about how humanity paved paradise and put up a parking lot... The song is called Big Yellow Taxi and the lyrics are to be found in Perspectives Magazine.

torsdag 26. mars 2015

*Book discussion - more info!

9EF; we will start the book discussions on Thursday April 9. Take a look at the blog post from last week to see how you should prepare.

Remember that you also are to create questions - write at least seven questions and bring to class the date your group is to have the discussion  - make sure that your questions are quite open and that it is possible to explain and elaborate (try to steer clear of YES/NO questions). Ex: What would you say is the main theme in the novel and why?

These are the dates you and your group have to be ready:

April 9:
  • Tuva, Lotte, Munir, Andrea, Ole
  • Felix, Oskar, Cora, Adrian, Emma H, Kasper, Mads Severin
  • Leon, Erlend, Sunniva, Nicolai, Ada, Matteo, Mathilde
April 14:
  • Joakim, Stina, Benjamin, Kristian
  • Linn, Eskil, Oliver, Aurora, Thomas, Simone
  • Martine, Karoline, Hedwig, Pernille, Lars Bendik, Borge, Mads Kristian
April 16:
  • Marie D, Julie, Kaja, Elle, Linnea, Najma
  • Cecilie, Mattias, Marie, Goman, Henriette, Sebastian, Julian, Kristine
  • Petter, Emma T, Embla, Thea, Erik, Jens Petter, Amanda


Happy Easter!

torsdag 19. mars 2015

*Peaceful Resistance Through Time + Boy Overboard

This is homework for next week:

  • Read the text "Peaceful Resistance Through Time" at page 11 - 13 in PM. Make sure that you understand all the words. Then write one paragraph where you explain why you believe Gandhi is considered a freedom fighter. Write a second paragraph where you explain why you believe Malala is considered a freedom fighter.This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday March 24.
  • Read the excerpt from Boy Overboard at page 17 - 20 in PM. Make sure that you understand all the words. Then write a short summary of what you have read - what happens in the story? This is homework for 9EF for Thursday March 26.

*Book discussions coming up

We will start book discussions the week after your Easter holiday. This is how you should prepare:

  • Make sure that you are done with your novel.
  • You have to be able to shortly describe what the book is about (without revealing how the book ends).
  • You have to be prepared to answer questions and elaborate about the setting (miljøbeskrivelse - tid, sted, rom) and theme (tema - hva handler egentlig boka om, eks: forbudt kjærlighet), the main character(s), the genre (boksjanger, eks: spenningsroman) and the target audience (målgruppe, eks: ungdom).
  • You have to be able to explain thoroughly what you think about the novel – did you like it? Why? Why not? Give examples! Would you recommend the novel to your fellow students? Why? Why not?
NB! Remember that when you describe a character you should not just describe their looks and age, you should also describe their personality and whether the character is static or dynamic throughout the story.

Our advice to you is to rehearse a lot before the book discussion. Find a friend, a parent, a sibling, whoever, and discuss the book!  Try to use transition word and phrases - take a look at this webpage. Also check this webpage for useful phrases for discussion.

You will be evaluated and given the grade UM, M or OM - take a look at the assessment criteria below:

Kjennetegn på måloppnåelse

Under middels 1/2

Middels 3/4

Over middels 5/6

Du kan si noen setninger, men mangler ordforråd for å kunne uttrykke det du ønsker.

Du svarer kort på spørsmål.

Du snakker stort sett flytende, og har et for det meste tilstrekkelig ordforråd.

Du bruker språkets strukturer, selv om det forekommer den del feil.

Du snakker flytende og med et variert ordforråd.

Du bruker språkets grunnleggende formverk rimelig korrekt, selv om feil kan forekomme.

Du snakker utydelig og med mye uttalefeil.

Du snakker stort sett tydelig og har for det meste god uttale.

Du snakker tydelig og med god uttale.

Du forstår noe av det som blir sagt, og kan svare på direkte spørsmål.

Du forstår stort sett det som blir sagt, og deltar til dels aktivt i samtalen.

Du forstår det som blir sagt, og deltar i samtalen på eget initiativ.

Du kan i noen grad uttrykke egne meninger, men klarer i liten grad å begrunne eller utdype påstander.

Du gir i noen grad uttrykk for egne meninger og kan til dels begrunne/utdype påstander.

Du gir uttrykk for egne meninger og kan begrunne/utdype påstander.

Du viser i liten grad egen refleksjon omkring bokens tema og rollefigurer.

Du presenterer i noen grad egne tanker omkring bokens tema og rollefigurer.

Du reflekterer i høy grad omkring bokens tema og rollefigurer.