onsdag 9. september 2015

*American History essay

This week you are going to finish parts of your essay on American history. Your essay should include:

An introduction, with a clear thesis statement.

Three body paragraphs with clear topic sentences.

The three body paragraphs should be about

  • The first settlers
  • The War of Independence (and the Declaration of Independence)
  • The Civil War and the abolition of slavery.
Feel free to include other paragraphs, and feel free to finish the essay. 

NB! Vary your language, use connecting words and use some of the new words you have learned while working with this topic:

civil rights, independence, abolition, declaration, constitution, segregation, freedom fighter, equality, emancipation

HW: For 10CDEF for Wednesday 16th. Upload the text on "itslearning" - go to Fag -> Engelsk skriftlig -> Essay American History

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