tirsdag 15. september 2015

Cinema Nordseter

This week's film showing at Cinema Nordseter is "The Help". The film is based on a novel written by Kathryn Stockett. The setting is in Jackson, Mississippi (you know, one of those beautiful Southern states), the year is 1963 (in the midst of the Civil Right era and movement), and we meet white Southern ladies and their help/maids.

Seeing the film is a great way to get an insight on how the period of the 1950's and 60's was in the U.S.A., especially in the Southern states. This was an era where Black Americans started to speak up against the unfair government and their laws. They were fed up. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand that the term "separate but equal" is a contradiction...

The film has won several awards, including an Oscar. It is a warm, sad, interesting and, at times, a quite funny story. Come and see it - you will not regret it :)

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