torsdag 9. april 2015

*Mock Exam Preparations

The date of the mock exam is getting closer (Monday April 27) and it's time to prepare. A new issue of Perspectives Magazine is out and this season the topic is Going Green! To find the new issue: log on to Fronter, then click on the folder called RESSURSER and find the icon for Cappelen Damm. Log on to the webpage by using the same username and password as in Fronter. You'll find the link to the online magazine under MIN SIDE.

To read and work with the texts will be your homework for the next couple of weeks!

Happy reading (and GO GREEN)!


NB! If you want to get additional feedback on a written text before the mock exam, take a look at the task below. Write the text, send it to me in an e-mail and you will get feedback within a few days :)

Task 3A
Considering start times

In the text “Hitting the snooze button” you have read about new research which shows
that later start times in high school might be good for students.

Imagine that the editor of a student magazine has asked you to write a text in which
you share your thoughts about start times in high school. Choose a suitable title and
type of text.

Suitable types of text could be a discussion (both sides), an opinion piece (one side) or
an article.

NB2! We highly recommend the documentary No Impact Man. It shows how far some people are willing to go to save the planet. These people went green all the way. Unfortunately we do not have time to see it in class, but why not make a movie-night out of it? Invite some friends, pop some corn and enjoy the film (it is to be found on Netflix). Take a look at below to see the trailer (or click here).

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