onsdag 9. oktober 2013

*Irregular verbs

Most verbs are conjugated (bøyes) like this:

INFINITIV                     PAST SIMPLE                   PAST PARTICIPLE
to play                             played                                 have/has played

However, there are some verbs that are different. These verbs are called irregular verbs. In Key English there is a list of all the most important irregular verbs. This week you are to learn how to conjugate the firts ten irregular verbs on the list: to be - to build (see p. 206 in Key English). Learn them by heart (you might be tested) and write ten sentences where you use each verb in either the past simple tense or the past participle tense.

Ex:         My dog Fonzo bit my sister's hand yesterday.
               I have been to the movies two times this month.

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday October 15th

This is homework for 8CD for Thursday October 17th

1 kommentar:

  1. can you start writing on the arbeidsplan if we need key english to do our homework
