onsdag 16. oktober 2013

*More arguments!

To be able to make a balanced and informed article on an issue, you have to have plenty of arguments both for and against. Here are some more arguments for and against school uniforms, to prepare you for the article we are about to write. Find the article here.

Homework 8cd for Wednesday 23rd of October: Read both sides and look up words you find difficult.  

Homework 8ef for Tuesday 22nd of October: Read both sides and look up words you find difficult. 

4 kommentarer:

  1. Er leksen bare å lese dette? :)
    hilsen cecilie - 8f

    1. Hei Cecilie, nå er leksa kommet opp for 8EF også :) Beklager glippen! - Pia

  2. is there any write lesson in this homework here
