onsdag 25. september 2013

*School Uniforms - should your school be telling you what to wear?

In many countries school uniforms are mandatory. We want to know your opinions about the subject. Read THIS ARTICLE and THIS ARTICLE. Study both sides of the arguement. Write down (in your notebook) three arguments that support the idea of having a school uniform and three arguements that do not support the idea of having a school uniform. Then write down your opinion where you state whether you are for or against school uniforms and why.

We also want you to state your opinion as a comment to this blogpost - remember to post the comment with your full name and class.

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 8th of October

This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday 9th of October

39 kommentarer:

  1. Mads Kristian 8F

    My opinion is that we don´t must use school uniforms because after a while you got bored of the clothes and it´s fun to have some cool clothes some times instead of the same clothes every day.

  2. I am actually a little unsure because I tink it`s good that you can not be bullied when everyone has the same clothes. But I also like to choose my own clothes.

    Tuva 8F

  3. I'm against because I will choose my own clothes. And I don't want that the school is gonna tell me what I haft to wear.

    LEYLA 8F

  4. I am against the school uniform because you gotta be allowed to choose your clothes that you want to wear, and it will be very boring to use the same clothes every day all year

    Erik Schøyen 8F

  5. I think school uniforms are a good idea because then the children are all alike, and they will not be bullied by their clothes. But i`m also against school uniforms because children should decide on their own, what to wear.

    Aurora Stålen 8E

  6. I don't think school uniforms is that great. It looks a bit boring, and you can't wear what you want to.
    Sune 8D

  7. lars bendik larsen 8f

    I think that school uniforms is great. it is good for the children to not get bullied by their clothes.

  8. I am against the school uniform because you should be allowed to choose your clothes that you want to wear, And the school uniforms is very boring.

    Lars Bendik Larsen 8f

  9. I am against school uniforms, because it would be very boring to use the same clothes every day in many years.
    But school uniforms is great to because if we had it no one would get bullied for their clothes.

    Ada Renslo 8F

  10. I believe school uniforms can make morning decisions easier but I am against the use of uniforms because I don't want anybody to tell me how to dress.

    Tina Morris-Larsen 8D

  11. Marte Blomhoff 8D:
    I really don't know what I mean because I agree with both sides. School uniforms stop bullying by clothes but you do not have your freedom to choose your clothes self.

  12. I am against school uniforms because I think clothes is a part of yourself. The clothes tell who you are to other people, and a first impression is very important I think. I am also against it because a lot of people exspress themselves through clothes and not through talking. Everybody should be allowed to wear what they want, and not to worry about special brand.

    Kristine 8F

  13. I do not think that students should wear school uniforms because they should be allowed to choose what to wear.
    Kristian Veggeland 8f

  14. School uniforms are awful, it was not the hardest job to find arguments against.
    Ok, imagine you come to your school-uniform school one day and looking for your best friend. Suddenly you see him, you dot him on his shoulder and he turns around. Oh no, that`s not my friend, it`s the biggest bullier on the school and he hit you in the face.
    These uniforms are so similar to each other.

    Thomas 8E

  15. I am against school uniforms because I think pupils should decide themselves what to wear.

    Kristian By, 8D

  16. I think it's good because you don't feel the pressure to have the "right" clothes. But I also think it's bad because you can't express yourself through clothes.

    Maria Otterstad 8c

  17. I don't think that school uniforms would be such a good idea, because the bullies will just find a new subject against the victim, which could possibly hurt even more.

    Petter 8E

  18. I not like the idea that everyone should use the same uniforms day after day, it's going to be really boring.

    Sunniva Bondevik 8F.

  19. I think school uniforms is not good because everyone can wear what they want to, but it is good because they can't be bullied for what clodes they wear.

    Jens Petter 8F

  20. I think the student's should be able to express themselves by what they wear.
    But there's also good things about school uniforms, for example that nobody would get bullied for there clothes, but overall i'm against school uniforms

    Erlend 8E

  21. I am against to school uniforms cause everyone person should allowed to wear everything he/she want.

    Haakon 8D

  22. I am against school uniforms cause everyone should be allowed to wear whatever they want

  23. I against it because when you were clothes you show of who you are, and we should be wearing what we want, and it costs a lot. But I think it is a good Idea because then all people would be like, and no one can be bullied for their clothes and how they look.

  24. I don't think that school uniforms is a good idea, because you should choose what to wear. And after some time you will get bored of wearing the same clothes every day. And as Petter said, the bully/bullies will just find a new thing to bully them for.

    Felix 8E

  25. I am agianst the school uniform beacuse I like to use my one clothes and it`s boring to use the same clothes every day

  26. I am against school uniforms because I think children should wear what they want. You also learn to be more creative when you choose clothes by yourself.

    Embla 8E

  27. I am agianst the School uniform beacuse I like to wear my one clothes and if you wear the same clothes every day, every month can get bored.

    Oskar 8E

  28. I Prefer to be able to change clothes and not where the same clothes a week in a row before being able to wash them...

    Axel 8c

  29. I am against school uniform because if we should have that than you can`t show your personality and if you can go with your own clothes maybe you would feel comfortable with the clothes:)

  30. I am against school uniform because if you go with than you can`t show your personality and if you go with yor own clothes maybe you would feel more comfortable with the clothes:)

    Magnus 8c

  31. I`m against school uniform because everyone shoud be allowed to wear wath they want and the most school uniforms looks terrible.

  32. I am aganist the school uniform because if you are going with that then you can`t show yor personality and if you are going with your own clothes so maybe then you would more comfortable with your clothes when you are wearing them:)

    Magnus 8c

  33. I am against school uniforms because students themselves should choose what to wear.

    Meelad 8C

  34. I`m against the school uniform because I think everybody should wear the clothes they want to. Clothes can also show ones personality. But the positive thing about school uniform is that everybody have same clothes so it will no pressure about mode.

    Sebastian T Høgvall 8c

  35. I Think school uniforms are way too strict, and speaks against the freedom that each human got.
    On the other side, i believe that it can stop the enormous brand clothes pressure.

    Jonatan 8D

  36. I am against because I like to wear my own clothes and for when I think about those who can not afford to buy expensive customer clothes.

    Christian 8D

  37. I am against the use of school uniforms, because I think that we should be able to be allowed to express who we are and what mood we are in through the clothes we have on us. I even like to choose if I want to wear my black or white sweater, or if I want to dress me or take a jog pants if I feel like it.I do not care for anyone to go with special branded clothes just because all others do.

    Emilie Rosèn Sverdrup-Thygeson 8D

  38. I am against the use of school uniforms, because I think that we should be able to be allowed to express who we are and what mood we are in through the clothes we have on us. I even like to choose if I want to wear my black or white sweater, or if I want to dress me or take a jog pants if I feel like it.I do not care for anyone to go with special branded clothes just because all others do.

    Emilie Rosèn Sverdrup-Thygeson 8D

  39. Wearing School Uniform is a must. For me it is great as long as your uniform supplier like Shirts United makes it a fashionable one.
