onsdag 4. september 2013

*Writing a story!

In today's post we would like to introduce you to Morriz Gleitzman. He has written many books for children and young adults, we know some of you are reading his books now! But Morriz is not only a great writer, he is also great at giving advice on how to write. We would love you to be experts on writing good stories.

First, read this article.
Make sure you understand and look up the difficult words.

Secondly, read this story!

And last, but not least, you are going to write your own story, based on the principles Morriz introduces in his article. Minimun 1 page on computer. This is to be uploaded into Fronter in the folder STORY. We will show you at school how to do it.

Today's post may seem big, but remember; you do not have to finish this until week 38!

This is due:

8CD: Wednesday 18th of September. (Bring a print to class)

8EF: Tuesday 17th of September. (Bring a print to class)

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