onsdag 5. mars 2014


In grammar, an adjective is a 'describing' word - they are used to describe nouns (substantiv). Adjectives do not change for singular and plural.

  • a red house
  • a bunch of red houses
Read more about adjectives in Key English p. 196 and do the tasks below:

Task 1:

Choose the correct adjective from the bracket to complete each
sentence. Remember to write down full sentences in your notebook.

1. I had a (cold/heavy) drink with my dinner.
2. The baby was very (small/blue).
3. The lemon had a (helpful/sour) taste to it.
4. Last winter it was really (cold/fast.)
5. The sky was a beautiful (green/blue) colour.

Task 2:
Copy this passage carefully into your books. Underline the nouns in one colour, verbs in another and the adjectives in a different colour.

The children walked down the sandy beach. The warm sand felt wonderful on their bare feet. The tiny grains crept through their toes; tickling them gently and making them smile. It was a beautiful day. There was hardly a cloud in the sky. The boys ran on ahead like wild animals. The girls laughed at them and commented on how silly they looked. The boys tore off their clothes and plunged into the blue ocean.
This is homework for 8EF for Monday March 10th + BRING YOUR ENGLISH NOVEL TO CLASS

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