onsdag 26. mars 2014

*Oral Presentation - Subcultures

This week all your homework is to prepare for the oral presentation about a subculture of your choice. The key is to plan your presentation well and to rehearse. A LOT! Rehearse in front of your parents, siblings, friends, mirror, dog, cat - you name it! The more prepared you are on the day of the presentation, the more confident you are. We can't wait to see you all dressed up and in character!

Click on this LINK to find the task and the assessment criterias.

Check out this WIKIHOW link on how to give a good presentation.

Take a look at the YouTube-clip above - "Rapper's Delight" is one of the first rap songs ever made (1979)  and it made the Hip Hop culture popular all over the U.S and around the world. As you can see the hip hop fashion style has changed quite a lot since then!

8CD: The presentations will start on Wednesday April 9th - COME PREPARED!
8EF: The presentations will start on Tuesday April 1st - COME PREPARED!

onsdag 19. mars 2014

*From present to past

Many of you find it difficult to understand when to use the past and when to use the present tense, so this week we would like you to transform the following text from the present tense into the past tense. Bring your text to class!

"Tom works at a bank.  He is the manager.  He starts work 
every day at 8:00 am.  He finishes work every day at 6:00 
pm.  He lives very close to the bank.  He walks to work 
every day.  His brother and sister also work at the bank.  
But, they do not live close to the bank.  They drive cars to 
work.  They start work at 9:00 am.  In the bank, Tom is the 
boss.  He helps all the workers and tells them what to do.  
He likes his job.  He is also very good at his job.  Many 
customers like Tom, and they say hello to him when they 
come to the bank.  Tom likes to talk to the customers and 
make them feel happy.  Tom really likes his job."

This is homework for 8cd for Wednesday 26th.
This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 25th.

*Oral Presentation - Subcultures

As we are leaving the strange and wonderful world of Roald Dahl we are entering another strange and wonderful world - namely the world of subcultures. A subculture is a group of people with different ideologies and usually different fashion and music tastes than that of the larger culture they are a part of.

It all started in the 1950s and 1960s with the Rock 'n ' Roll generation. Suddenly young people listened to another type of music than their parents, they dressed differently, had different hairstyles, they went to the movies and they did "The Twist" (see YouTube-clip above)! They even talked differently, using slang such as: "See you later, alligator. After a while, crocodile!".

Since then several subcultures have come forth - here are some of the most famous ones:
  • Rockabilly
  • Hippies
  • Goths
  • Grunge
  • Hip-Hoppers
  • Heavy Metal
  • New Age
  • Skaters
  • Emo
You are to give an oral presentation about a subculture. You will get the task and the assessment criterias next week in class, but you should think about which subculture you would like to learn more about and decide whether you would like give your presentation alone or with a friend/friends (you can be no more than three persons giving a presentation). You will be graded individually.

To learn more about youth cultures and subcultures you are to read the text "Fashion, Styles and Trends" p. 128 - 131 and do task 10 and 11 p. 132 in Key English.

This is homework for 8EF for Monday March 24th - BRING KEY ENGLISH TO CLASS!
This is homework for 8CD for Tuesday March 26th - BRING KEY ENGLISH TO CLASS!

torsdag 13. mars 2014

A challenge

We have a challenge for you. This is not something you HAVE to do (unless you want to become fluent in English...).

Every day, CNN posts a 10 minute segment of student news. This is an AMAZING way to both keep up with the daily news AND learn important English words. How about making this a daily part of your breakfast routine? We challenge you to watch at least 2 of these the following week. Feel free to discuss the questions with your family as well!


onsdag 12. mars 2014


In addition to writing the most fantastic children's books and short stories, Roald Dahl also writes poetry! This week we want you to read his hilarious take on the famous fairytale about Cinderella.

Read the poem here. Do not worry if you don't understand all the words, Roald Dahl tends to make up his own words sometimes.

If you would like to listen to it while you read, follow this link. It might be helpful.

This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday 19th of March.
This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 18th of March.

Optional: Here he has a go at Little Red Riding Hood as well. Enjoy, it is so funny!


Last week we focused on adjectives, and we worked on detecting verbs and nouns in sentences. We even stumbled upon some adverbs. This week we will look more closely at adverbs:

An adverb describes a verb. It tells you how an action happened.

Ex: I walked slowly.

Adverbs can also say something about when and where something happens.

Ex: I'll do my homework tomorrow.

Read more about adverbs in Key English at p. 197 and try to explain what an adverb is. Write down five sentences where you use adverbs. Then do the task below:

Complete the sentences with the correct words. Write down full sentences in your notebook and explain if the word you have chosen is either an adjective or an adverb (remember: adjectives describe nouns).
early       fluent           good        hard         slowly        well

1 Can you speak more , please?
2 How do you know Oxford?
3 I like her and I think she's a very teacher.
4 He speaks French, German, and Spanish.
5 I'm tired. Let's go to bed tonight.
6 I worked really to pass my exams.
This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 18th of March - and bring Key English to class!
This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday 19th of March - and bring Key English to class!

onsdag 5. mars 2014

*Man from the South

As we mentioned in last week's blog post, Roald Dahl did not just write books and stories for children. He wrote short stories for adults as well, and one of the most famous stories is "Man from the South".

You are to read the story and write a short summary (approx. 100 - 150 words) - bring your summary to school. Click here to find the story!

NB: You should not wait until the last evening to read the story and write the summary - this is quite a lot of work, so why not start today?

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday March 11th
This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday March 12th


In grammar, an adjective is a 'describing' word - they are used to describe nouns (substantiv). Adjectives do not change for singular and plural.

  • a red house
  • a bunch of red houses
Read more about adjectives in Key English p. 196 and do the tasks below:

Task 1:

Choose the correct adjective from the bracket to complete each
sentence. Remember to write down full sentences in your notebook.

1. I had a (cold/heavy) drink with my dinner.
2. The baby was very (small/blue).
3. The lemon had a (helpful/sour) taste to it.
4. Last winter it was really (cold/fast.)
5. The sky was a beautiful (green/blue) colour.

Task 2:
Copy this passage carefully into your books. Underline the nouns in one colour, verbs in another and the adjectives in a different colour.

The children walked down the sandy beach. The warm sand felt wonderful on their bare feet. The tiny grains crept through their toes; tickling them gently and making them smile. It was a beautiful day. There was hardly a cloud in the sky. The boys ran on ahead like wild animals. The girls laughed at them and commented on how silly they looked. The boys tore off their clothes and plunged into the blue ocean.
This is homework for 8EF for Monday March 10th + BRING YOUR ENGLISH NOVEL TO CLASS