onsdag 5. februar 2014

*Let's all agree some more!

Last week we looked upon subject-verb agreement. As you remember it is important that the subject and the verb agree. That means that both have to be singular or both have to be plural. Take a look at the chart on subject-verb agreement on page 192 in Key English if you want to refresh your memory.

However; sometimes it is not so easy to decide wether a subject is in the singular or in the plural.

Please go to this webpage and read Mini-Lesson 1 thoroughly, then do Exercise 1. Write down Exercise 1 in your notebook (all of the text) with the options you have chosen. You have to be able to explain why you chose the one option instead of the other.

Example: The big dog runs.
Explanation: "I have chosen runs instead of run because the big dog is 3. person singular (you can swop the big dog with it). Since all verbs usually get an additional -s in 3. person singular, that is the correct answer."

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 11th of February.
This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday 12th of February.

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