onsdag 26. februar 2014


Who and which are called relative pronouns (subjunksjoner). They are used like this:
  • Who refers to people
    • Ex: My dad, who is a plumber, fixed the kitchen sink.
  • Which refers to animals and things
    • Ex: The old book, which was red, belonged to my mother.
NB: Do not confuse the words which and witch. Witch = heks!

Read about relative pronouns on p. 179 in Key English. Write down a rule for when to use who and when to use which in your notebook. Write down three examples where you use who correctly and three examples where you use which correctly. Then do task 11 p. 179.

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 4th of March. BRING KEY ENGLISH TO CLASS!
This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday 5th of March. BRING KEY ENGLISH TO CLASS!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Is this homework ment for the CD class also?

  2. Yup, it says so on the arbeidsplan. And now also in the post:)
