onsdag 29. januar 2014

*Meet Charles Dickens!

This week you will learn about Charles Dickens, the author of Oliver Twist. We would like you to read all the five sections on him. In addition we want you to write down all the words that are marked in the text. You will find the English explanation if you put your pointer to it, but we would also like you to learn them and translate into Norwegian. Make sure you can tell your fellow classmates about Dickens after reading!
So: read the 5 sections, and learn and translate the marked words.

Find the text here.

Optional 1: To the right on the page there is a Charles Dickens game, try it if you like! You can only learn more!

Optional 2: See this film about the terrible workhouses where poor people had to work.

The homework is for 8CD for Wednesday 5th of February.
The homework is for 8EF for Tuesday 4th of February.

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