onsdag 29. januar 2014

*Let's all agree!

In English it is important that the subject and the verb agree. That means that both have to be singular or both have to be plural. This is called subject-verb agreement (samsvar mellom subjekt og verbal).


SINGULAR                                                                 PLURAL
He is 13 years old.                                                        They are 25 years old.
The girl sings.                                                               The children sing.
My father drives a red car.                                           My parents drive a red car.

Take a look at the chart on subject-verb agreement on page 192 in Key English and then follow this link and do task 1 - 13. Write them down in your notebook as well!

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 4th of February.
This is homework for 8CD for Thursday 6th of February.

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