torsdag 26. februar 2015

*Hitting the snooze button!

A well known problem for many of you (and us teachers included).
1. Read the article in Perspectives Magazine, learn all the words.
2. Decide if you agree or disagree with Jilly Dos Santos. Write two paragraphs, each starting with one argument. If you like, you may start like this:
 First of all, I believe........
My second argument is....

Your paragraphs should be normal paragraph length.

(Remember an argument is your opinion and the reason for it. The reast of the paragraph should be used to give examples or evidence for your argument.


I believe it is important that teenagers get pocket money, because it will teach them finacial responibility. If you have not been taught how to handle money, you will not know the value of it. It will make it difficult to stick to a budget later on, which may leads to serious finacial problems. In addition it is a growing problem that young people turn to easy solutions like cretit cards and other loans with huge interests. This way young people will be in big debts before reaching adulthood. This is not a good way to start off.


This is homework for 9EF for Thursday March 5
This is homework for 9CD for Monday March 2

2 kommentarer:

  1. Kristine 9F
    My favourite quote is the quote by Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. Lincoln led the Northern States into victory in the Civil War against the Southern States. I like this quote because I think what Abraham Lincoln means is that you don`t know what will happend in the future and that you have to embrase every day as if today was yor last day. I also believe that he means that not all the bad and the good moments comes at once but that we have to be patient and wait for the moments.
