lørdag 28. februar 2015
Now we would like to introduce you to another great author: Nick Hornby. Nick has written many fabulous books, like About a Boy and High Fidelity. If you haven't read him already, it's about time. This week you'll read an excerpt from Slam.
Read the excerpt and learn all the words!
This is homework for 9CD for Friday 6th.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 5th.
torsdag 26. februar 2015

It is TIME for a new issue of Perspectives Magazine, and this TIME the topic is (you might have guessed it by now): TIME! To start off we want you to read what some famous people have said about time. 9EF: You will get a copy of PM tomorrow (Friday)!
Read the text called "Time" in PM and pick your favourite quote. Write two sentences about the person who gave the quote (find info online) and then describe why this quote is your favourite. ADD THIS TEXT AS A COMMENT TO THIS BLOG POST! Include your first name and class - we look forward to reading your comments :)
This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday March 3
This is homework for 9CD for wednesday March 4
*Hitting the snooze button!
A well known problem for many of you (and us teachers included).
1. Read the article in Perspectives Magazine, learn all the words.
2. Decide if you agree or disagree with Jilly Dos Santos. Write two paragraphs, each starting with one argument. If you like, you may start like this:
First of all, I believe........
My second argument is....
Your paragraphs should be normal paragraph length.
(Remember an argument is your opinion and the reason for it. The reast of the paragraph should be used to give examples or evidence for your argument.
I believe it is important that teenagers get pocket money, because it will teach them finacial responibility. If you have not been taught how to handle money, you will not know the value of it. It will make it difficult to stick to a budget later on, which may leads to serious finacial problems. In addition it is a growing problem that young people turn to easy solutions like cretit cards and other loans with huge interests. This way young people will be in big debts before reaching adulthood. This is not a good way to start off.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday March 5
This is homework for 9CD for Monday March 2
torsdag 12. februar 2015
*Prepare to read
Your winter vacation is right around the corner, and we urge you to READ a lot during the holidays. When you come back in week 9 you guys are to read in each and every English lesson. Let's call it "The Book Week"! We will start book conversations in week 12, so you have to be done with your novel by then.
So; enjoy your vacay, have fun and READ!
torsdag 5. februar 2015
*Writing session
Next week you guys are to have a writing session. Your homework for next week is to prepare for this. Remember that you are to write an article/essay so make sure that you know what a hook, thesis statement and topic sentences are. You must also have read all the texts in Perspectives Magazine. This is what you should bring to the writing session:
- Perspectives Magazine
- Your notes from class
- A list of useful connectors (tekstbindingsord)
- Other aids that might come in useful (e.g. a list of words to use instead of "very", feedback from earlier texts, a list of things you know you have to focus on while you write, etc.)
9EF: Come prepared for the writing session on Tuesday February 10.
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