torsdag 18. september 2014

*Writing session coming up!

Next week you are to write a longer text at school where you will be graded. Make sure that you come prepared!

  1. You MUST have read the whole magazine and learned difficult words.
  2. You should make a list of things you know you have to work on (e.g. subject - verb agreement, the use of past and present tense, the use of capital I, etc.) in order to NOT make the same mistakes again and again. 9EF: Take a look at the letter you wrote to yourself before the summer vacation - you'll find it on Fronter under ARCHIVE and ENGLISH.
  3. Read up on transitional words and phrases - take a look at this webpage!
  4. Make sure that you know the basic rules of an essay and other genres - go to p. 244 - 251 in Key English if you need to refresh your memory.

  1. PLAN YOUR TEXT - it is crucial to plan your text before you start writing. Make a mind map where you brainstorm ideas. If you are to write an essay; find your thesis statement and all your arguements - make an outline where you put down your thesis statement and all your topic sentences. Then start writing.
  2. Use appropriate words and phrases which are related to the topic - show the reader that you have a varied language and that you have expanded your vocabulary while working with Perspectives Magazine.
  3. Use transitional words - but make sure that you use them correctly.
  4. If you write a non-fictional text (such as an essay) try to refer to texts in Perspectives Magazine. If you are to write about pocket money for instance it would be wise to show the reader that you have gained knowledge from the text "The Positives of Pocket Money for Kids".
  5. Do not hand in your text before you have re-read it several times. Rewrite sentences that don't sound right and make sure that your message is clear. Take a look at the list of things you know you have done wrong earlier and check if you have done the same mistakes again - correct them.
If you follow this list of advice you will be a killer writer in no time!


 9CD: Meet up by the computer rooms at 09.20 on Monday 21st.
9EF: You are to meet up at computer room 116 and 119A at 09.30 on Tuesday 22nd for your writing session.

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