mandag 18. august 2014

*Welcome back!

Welcome back to school! Hopefully you have all enjoyed your summer vacation and that you now are fit and ready for your second year here at Nordseter.

This year we will start off with two English lessons a week. Then when the new semester starts after Christmas we will have four English lessons a week up until the summer vacation. We will be using Perspectives Magazine a lot - the first issue will be handed out to you this week. DO NOT LOSE IT!

9CDEF - you guys know the drill! Homework will be posted here every Thursday at 2 PM. All of the posts labeled with a star: * are obligatory, meaning that you have to read it and do the tasks.

To 9AB: WELCOME to the world of blogging! We are thrilled to have both you guys and Helle on board :)

9 CD: Bring a book on Monday 25th! 

9EF: Remember that you have to bring an English novel to class on Thursday 21st! Make sure that you choose a book that appeals to you :)

These are some of the books and authors we recommend:
  • The Hunger Games triology
  • The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
  • Everything by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Everything by Roald Dahl
  • Everything by J. K. Rowling
  • Everything by Morris Gleitzman
  • Everything by John Green
  • Everything by Paul Jennings
To find more titles take a look at this link!

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