onsdag 9. april 2014

*Perspectives Magazine is now available!

This season's issue of Perspectives Magazine is now available! This time the main topic is WORDS. To find it log on to Fronter and click on the folder called Ressurser and then click on the icon CAPPELEN DAMM. You have to type in your Fronter username and password. It might take a while before you are admitted the first time because one of us teachers has to confirm that you are a pupil at Nordseter. Just wait a while and then try again (the same procedure). 

We will work with the texts at school after the holidays, but you should grasp this opportunity to read the magazine during Easter. Because it is a great issue! We're talking Roald Dahl, six-word stories plus lots of other interesting texts. Remember that each text has an audio file so you can listen to the text being read while you read it yourself. We really recommend you to do that!

And OMG, there's a brilliant article on slang in the magazine:

"So, FYI: You better start studying, innit, so your exam will turn out money instead of an epic fail! #yolo"

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