onsdag 8. januar 2014

*Queen Victoria and vile Victorians

The Victorian Era is named after the famous Queen Victoria - she reigned longer than any other British King or Queen! Read more about her in Key English p. 94.

Being poor during the Victorian Era was no piece of cake. Many children had to work to provide money for their families. Read some of the horrific stories in Key English p. 98 - 99. Remember that you can find a wordlist for the text at p. 227 - 228.

When you are done reading about both Queen Victoria and the vile Victorians please do task 1 - 3 p. 100.

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday January 14th - AND BRING KEY ENGLISH TO SCHOOL!

This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday January 15th - AND BRING KEY ENGLISH TO SCHOOL!

5 kommentarer:

  1. skal c og d gjøre den?

  2. Absolutely. It is on the "arbeidsplan", and the post is updated now:)

  3. Nobody said that we were going to use the textbook for the homework.. ;(.. More "anmerkninger" ;(;(

    1. Well if you read this post, it clearly states that you need to bring Key English to class. Even in red letters. But do not worry, it does not matter to get an "anmerkning" once in a while:)

  4. Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
