torsdag 28. august 2014

*Concord / subject-verb agreement

It's time to refresh your memory on subject-verb agreement (also called concord). Remember how both the subject and the verb have to be either singular or plural? If not, read about it in Key English at page 220 -221.

Take a look at the YouTube-clip above (click on this link if the video doesn't work). Then do task 22 and 23 at page 21 in Key English (remember to explain why you have chosen each verb in task 22 and make sure that you write complete sentences in both tasks, not just the verb you want to use).

9CD: This is homework for Monday September 1st.
9EF: This is homework for Thursday September 4th.

*5 reasons to look for a summer job

Some of you have already spent parts of your summer working. Having your own money gives you liberty, and gives you a taste of what it is like being an adult. In addition it will give you work experience that will make it easier to land a better job in the future.

a) Read the text "5 reasons to look for a summer job" in Perspectives magazine. Learn all the words.
b) Imagine you are applying for a job at the local grocery store. The boss wants you to write a text about your best assets are, that will come in handy in this job. Write 1/2 a page. If you like, you can start like this: "My best quality is.............. In addition I....... (and then continue.)

This is for: 9 CD Monday 1st of September.

This is for: 9 EF Thursday 4th of September.

Optional: Here are some tips for the job interview! 


We would like you to read an excerpt from a novel called "Millions" written by Frank Cottrell Boyce (it is to be found in Perspectives Magazine). It is a fantastic story about two boys finding a lot of money. Maybe some of you would like to read the whole novel after reading this?The book was made into a film in 2004, if you have seen it, we would love your verdict! Write a comment to this post. Share your thoughts!

Homework: 9CD this is for Wednesday the 3rd (although we will not talk about it until the 8th because of the camping).

Homework: 9EF this is for Tuesday the 2nd (although we will not talk about it until the 4th because of the camping).


Explain the idiom  "to make ends meet". Put it in an interesting context ; write everything down in your rough book and be prepared to share in class.

9AB: This is homework for Tuesday September 9th.
9CD: This is homework for Wednesday September 3rd.
9EF: This is homework for Thursday September 4th.

torsdag 21. august 2014

*The Positives of Giving Kids Pocket Money

The theme for the following weeks is: MONEY. Up until recently, your parents have been providing what you need, but many of you probably start craving other things than what your parents are willing to provide. Maybe you would like a new jacket, even though you already have one that is just fine? Or maybe you just want to have the liberty to go to the movies without having to ask anyone for money.

This week we want you to read "The positives of giving kids pocket money" from Perspectives Magazine.


Read the text, and learn the words on the side. 

9CD: this is for Monday 25th.

9EF: We've already worked with the text in class, but read through it once more. Bring your notes from the class last Tuesday and meet up at computer room 119A on Tuesday 26th. 

Pocket money has gone up - read teens opinions. What is your opinion? We would love for you to share with a comment.

*Schoolboy lands every child's dream job

Most of you have probably been asked the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?", and many of you have some sort of answer. This week you are going to read about a boy who has landed a fantastic job.

Read the "Schoolboy lands every child's dream job" in Perspectives magazine and learn all the words. 

9AB: This is homework for Thursday 28th. 

9CD: This is homework for Wednesday 27th.

9EF: This is homework for Thursday 28th

What would your dream job be? Share as a comment if you like!

*Convince me! (Transition)

We have announced that we will focus a lot on writing this year. It is going to be lots of hard work, but it is also going to be extremely rewarding. Managing to write good essays (in any subject) is a form of art, and once you feel on top of it, it will benefit you in all subjects. 

We start by repeating something we have already spent time learning: Transitional words. This week we would like you to argue your point. Choose ONE of the following statements:

1) "Children should not receive pocket money for helping out at home, they should do so without getting paid."

2) "It is important to be rich to be happy."

Decide if you agree or disagree with the statement you have chosen. 

Now take a look at this chart:

Now write a text where you share you opinion, and use one transition word from each group (first paragraph, second, etc.)  Start your text like this:

"In my opinion......

(up to one page).

9AB: This is homework for Thursday 28th. Bring a copy if you write on a computer.
9CD: This is homework for Monday 25th. Bring a copy if you write on a computer.
9EF: This is homework for Tuesday 26th. Bring a copy if you write on a computer. Remember that you are to meet up at computer room 119A.

*Idiom of the week

Each week you will get a new idiom, and you have to be able to explain it in English. This week´s idiom is "to make a dollar out of 15 cents". Share in class.

9CD: Homework for Wednesday 27th.

9ABEF: Homework for Thursday 28th.

mandag 18. august 2014

*Welcome back!

Welcome back to school! Hopefully you have all enjoyed your summer vacation and that you now are fit and ready for your second year here at Nordseter.

This year we will start off with two English lessons a week. Then when the new semester starts after Christmas we will have four English lessons a week up until the summer vacation. We will be using Perspectives Magazine a lot - the first issue will be handed out to you this week. DO NOT LOSE IT!

9CDEF - you guys know the drill! Homework will be posted here every Thursday at 2 PM. All of the posts labeled with a star: * are obligatory, meaning that you have to read it and do the tasks.

To 9AB: WELCOME to the world of blogging! We are thrilled to have both you guys and Helle on board :)

9 CD: Bring a book on Monday 25th! 

9EF: Remember that you have to bring an English novel to class on Thursday 21st! Make sure that you choose a book that appeals to you :)

These are some of the books and authors we recommend:
  • The Hunger Games triology
  • The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
  • Everything by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Everything by Roald Dahl
  • Everything by J. K. Rowling
  • Everything by Morris Gleitzman
  • Everything by John Green
  • Everything by Paul Jennings
To find more titles take a look at this link!