onsdag 26. februar 2014

*Behold! Great Author!

We would like to introduce you all to Roald Dahl. Many of you already know him, he has written fantastic children's books such as Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryMatilda and The Witches. But did you know that he also wrote fantastic ghost stories for adults and teens? Some really creepy ones... We can not wait to read them with you. 

But to prepare you for this, we would like you all to read THIS biography about him. Please spend time understanding the text, and look up words you do not understand.

This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday 5th.
This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 4th.

Optional: For those of you familiar with The BFG, read this cute story.


Who and which are called relative pronouns (subjunksjoner). They are used like this:
  • Who refers to people
    • Ex: My dad, who is a plumber, fixed the kitchen sink.
  • Which refers to animals and things
    • Ex: The old book, which was red, belonged to my mother.
NB: Do not confuse the words which and witch. Witch = heks!

Read about relative pronouns on p. 179 in Key English. Write down a rule for when to use who and when to use which in your notebook. Write down three examples where you use who correctly and three examples where you use which correctly. Then do task 11 p. 179.

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 4th of March. BRING KEY ENGLISH TO CLASS!
This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday 5th of March. BRING KEY ENGLISH TO CLASS!

onsdag 12. februar 2014

Winter Break y'all!

Enjoy your Winter Break...
and Happy Valentine's Day on Friday!

onsdag 5. februar 2014

*Child Labor Today

If you think child labor is a thing of the past, I am afraid you must think again. Millions of children around the world are forced to work just like children during the Victorian era.

We want you to read this article.
Also read this article about a young Pakistani boy, who fought against child labor.

Here you can read a cartoon about Iqbal's life.

This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday.
This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 11th of February.

*Let's all agree some more!

Last week we looked upon subject-verb agreement. As you remember it is important that the subject and the verb agree. That means that both have to be singular or both have to be plural. Take a look at the chart on subject-verb agreement on page 192 in Key English if you want to refresh your memory.

However; sometimes it is not so easy to decide wether a subject is in the singular or in the plural.

Please go to this webpage and read Mini-Lesson 1 thoroughly, then do Exercise 1. Write down Exercise 1 in your notebook (all of the text) with the options you have chosen. You have to be able to explain why you chose the one option instead of the other.

Example: The big dog runs.
Explanation: "I have chosen runs instead of run because the big dog is 3. person singular (you can swop the big dog with it). Since all verbs usually get an additional -s in 3. person singular, that is the correct answer."

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 11th of February.
This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday 12th of February.