onsdag 29. januar 2014

*Meet Charles Dickens!

This week you will learn about Charles Dickens, the author of Oliver Twist. We would like you to read all the five sections on him. In addition we want you to write down all the words that are marked in the text. You will find the English explanation if you put your pointer to it, but we would also like you to learn them and translate into Norwegian. Make sure you can tell your fellow classmates about Dickens after reading!
So: read the 5 sections, and learn and translate the marked words.

Find the text here.

Optional 1: To the right on the page there is a Charles Dickens game, try it if you like! You can only learn more!

Optional 2: See this film about the terrible workhouses where poor people had to work.

The homework is for 8CD for Wednesday 5th of February.
The homework is for 8EF for Tuesday 4th of February.

*Let's all agree!

In English it is important that the subject and the verb agree. That means that both have to be singular or both have to be plural. This is called subject-verb agreement (samsvar mellom subjekt og verbal).


SINGULAR                                                                 PLURAL
He is 13 years old.                                                        They are 25 years old.
The girl sings.                                                               The children sing.
My father drives a red car.                                           My parents drive a red car.

Take a look at the chart on subject-verb agreement on page 192 in Key English and then follow this link and do task 1 - 13. Write them down in your notebook as well!

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 4th of February.
This is homework for 8CD for Thursday 6th of February.

onsdag 22. januar 2014

Keep on connecting!

We are going to stress traditional words..... forever. Here is an interactive task we would like you to try. It is important that you really understand what they mean, and once you do; write them down and bring them to your next writing session. We KNOW these improve you grades when used correctly.

Here it is!

This is homework for 8CD for Thursday 29th of January

*Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

You have been working with the Industrial Revolution and the Victorian Era for a couple of weeks now and it's about time we to introduce you to the great British author of that time; namely Charles Dickens! You have probably heard about Oliver Twist, the orphan boy who ran away from a workhouse and fell into bad company in the slums of Victorian London. Oliver Twist is a novel written by Charles Dickens. In Key English you will find an excerpt from this novel. Read p. 112 and 113 and make a list of difficult words which you translate into Norwegian (at least 15 words). Remember that this book was written in 1838 and that the language therefore might seem a bit old-fashioned.

And yes; we will see the movie "Oliver Twist" at school!

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday January 28th - AND BRING KEY ENGLISH TO SCHOOL!
This is homework for 8CD for wednesday January 29th - AND BRING KEY ENGLISH TO SCHOOL!

*Victorian Inventions

During the Victorian Era lots of things were invented, such as the telephone, the radio and stamps. Take a look at the video clip above and make a list of things that were invented in this time period - your list should include a minimum of ten items.

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday January 28th
This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday January 29th

onsdag 15. januar 2014

*Irregular verb TEST

You have all been working with and learning the irregular verbs on page 206 - 208 in Key English this semester. As we have now gone through the entire list, it is time for the final irregular verb test! Browse through the list once more, work on the verbs you find hard to conjugate and be ready for a Fronter Test (with the duration of approximately 15 - 20 minutes) next week. You will be graded with UM, M, OM.

8EF: The test will be on Monday January the 20th

*Headless Victorians!

Whenever we see pics from the past, before they could just snap-chat everything, they always look so serious. It is hard to imagine them laughing and giggling like you are. However, they did have a sense of humor, believe it or not. Despite not having photoshop or any other editing tool, they managed to transfer their pics in the most macabre way.

Take a look at these headless Victorians!

(and if you like, take a look at these smiling Victorians as well.)

*The Industrial Revolution

To understand the Victorian era, it is important to understand the industrial revolution.
This week we would like you to read:

The Industrial Revolution Key English p. 110 – 111.
And do: Task 19 and 20 p. 114.

Bring Key English to class!

8CD for Wednesday 22 January!
8EF for Tuesday 21 January!

onsdag 8. januar 2014

*Queen Victoria and vile Victorians

The Victorian Era is named after the famous Queen Victoria - she reigned longer than any other British King or Queen! Read more about her in Key English p. 94.

Being poor during the Victorian Era was no piece of cake. Many children had to work to provide money for their families. Read some of the horrific stories in Key English p. 98 - 99. Remember that you can find a wordlist for the text at p. 227 - 228.

When you are done reading about both Queen Victoria and the vile Victorians please do task 1 - 3 p. 100.

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday January 14th - AND BRING KEY ENGLISH TO SCHOOL!

This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday January 15th - AND BRING KEY ENGLISH TO SCHOOL!

*Irregular verbs

Most verbs are conjugated (blir bøyd) like this:

to play                            played                            have/has played

However, there are some verbs that are different. These verbs are called irregular verbs. In Key English there is a list of all the most important irregular verbs. This week you are to learn how to conjugate the next fourteen irregular verbs on the list: to stick - to write (see p. 207 and 208 in Key English). Learn them by heart (you might be tested) and write fourteen sentences where you use each verb in either the past simple tense (preteritum) or the past participle tense (perfektum).

Ex:                               I thought you of all people would understand.
                                    James swung the bat and hit a homerun at the baseball game last night.

This is homework for 8EF for Monday January 13th

This is homework for 8CD for Thursday January 16th

*Victorian manners

Some of the manners and rules on how to behave during the Victorian Era were downright hilarious! Take a look at this videoclip from BBC's Horrible Histories and write down at least five facts you get to know during the clip.

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday January 14th

This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday January 15th