onsdag 13. november 2013

*Make it flow!

To improve your writing you need to make sure that your ideas, both in sentences and paragraphs, stick together or have coherence (sammenheng) and that the gap between ideas is bridged smoothly. One way to do this is by using transitions - connecting words or phrases that help bring two ideas together. Look at the connecting words below. Write a short story where you use some of them - you can write about anything you like!

Condition (vilkår): if, in case
Contrast (motsetning): although, but, even if, however, on the other hand
Reason (årsak): as, because of, since, so, therfore
Time (tid): as, at last, before, first, next, still, then, when, while

This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday 20th
This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday November 19th

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