onsdag 13. november 2013

*Inspirational Teens!

This week we are presenting you 14 teens who have done fantastic things! We hope you find them inspirational. The texts contains difficult words, but are quite short, so look up the words you find difficult and remember them forever!

This week we would like you to comment on this post, and explain who you found most inspirational. You should try to use some of the transitional words (connectors) that are also homework this week in your text. 

Remember to write WHO you found most inspirational, and WHY as a comment to this post. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

Read the article here.

Extra: If you are in the mood for more wisdom and inspiration, look at the Forbes Top 100 inspirational quotes! May come in handy one day.

Homework 8CD: for Thursday 21st!

Homework 8EF:  for Monday 18th!

39 kommentarer:

  1. I found the four Nigeran girls most inspirational because they turned a liter of urine to electrisity to cheap prise so the poor people can get electrisity.
    Mads Kristian 8F

  2. The most inspirational for me is the four Nigerian schoolgirls made a generator that could change urin to electrisity. It is very good that poor people can get cheap electrisity so they can have lights and warm up their house. That is why this is inspiratonal for me.
    -Jens Petter 8F

  3. I think that the girls from Nigeran is most inspiration because they turned a liter of urine to nearly six hours pf electrisity to a cheap price so the poor citizens could get electrisity.
    Lars Bendik 8F

  4. I found Kelvin Doe from Sierra Leone most inspirational beacuse he made a battery to power ligts in people`s houses. I think he had the most brilliant idea.
    Oskar 8E

  5. I think that Jack Andraka from Crownsville is most inspirational. Because he really tried heard and invented up a way to quickly identify pancreatic cancer. The test took only a few minutes and it worked. I think he must be really smart to invent up something like that.
    Kristine 8F

  6. I think that the four negerian girls that made the generator.
    That could make urin in to power was the most inspirational because they did something that could help many people.
    Its a big inspiration and that why i chose them.
    -Karoline 8E

  7. I think that the girls from Nigeran was most inspiration. They turned a liter of urine into nearly six hours of electrisity. But i also like Jack Andraka from Crownsville.

    Tuva 8F

  8. I think that Kevin Doe was the most inspiring of them all because he made all the radios and a generator to power the lights in the town
    Erik 8F

  9. The most inspirational for me was was 14 year old Julia Bluhm. Just the fact that she stod up against a teen Magazine is amazing, but that she won to is important. Media send out so many wrong Messages on how the ``perfec`` body are to Young girls.
    Teens are insicure by nature, and media normaly dosen't make it any better. So that an 14 year old girl could make an different is so Nice to see.
    Kristin- 8C

  10. I think the four nigerian school girls are the most inspirational because they found a method to turn urin into electrisity. If all the peoples hwo live in Nigeria got a generator like that, everybody had electrisity to make food and stuff like that.
    I think that`s very inspirational and it is an idea hwo can help a hole nation.
    - Mads Severin 8F

  11. I found the four negerian girls most inspirational because they made a genarotor who changed urin to electrisity who nearly holds for six hours. And if you think about the poor people in Africa so is this very good. Electrisity for six hours to a cheap price.
    - Marie 8F

  12. I think the four Nigerian girls were the most inspiring because they made a machine that can make electricity from urine. This makes me believe anything is possible.
    - Kristian 8D

  13. I think the four Nigerian girls were the most inspiring because it was cool that they made a machine who can make electricity from urin. They can make 1 liter urin to 6 hours with electricity.
    That`s good for poor people in Africa!

  14. I think the generator that the Nigerian girls had made ​​was pretty good. It's amazing how much 1 liter of urine helps.
    - Najma 8F

  15. I think that Jack Andraka was most inspirational because he found a way to identify pancreatic cancer that also was so cheap. And since it just took a few minutes it is also very clever.
    Embla 8E

  16. I think that the most inspirational kids, was the four nigerian girls. They created an urin-powered generator that could change urin to electrisity. The process turns the waste product into power.
    Leyla 8F

  17. I found the four Nigerian girls most inspirational. They have made a urinpowered-generator which can supply many people cheap electricity.
    Borge 8E

  18. I think Julia Bluhm was the most inspirational because she was brave and fought for her opinion

    Emma 8e

  19. I think the nigerian girls was most inspirational. Because they made a generator running on urin. Also because it will give lots of people acess to electricity

    Felix 8E

  20. I found the four Nigerian girls most inspirational. They made a cheap urinepowered generator that can turn a liter of urine into nearly six hours of electricity. and the generator can help 160 million nigerian citzens without accsess to electrisity.

    Kasper 8E

  21. I think that the four Nigerian girls was most inspirational because they made a generator that goes on urin and that is very impressive and inspiring.

    Magnus 8c

  22. I think that the four Nigerian girls was most inspirational, and the most impressive. How could someone think of using urin for electrisity? And the fact that the generator could help over 160 million citizens with some urin is a bit weird, but still inspirational and impressive.

    -Marcus 8C

  23. I think the four NIgarian girls is very inspirational. That they make urin to electricity It can do that very many humans can get electricity. Torjus 8C

  24. I mean that Beer did the most fantastic thing, the other teens did fantastic tings too, but it was something with Beer that took my attention away from the other ones. Bullying is a really big problem, and children don’t get seen because of it. Very many children have some big talents but they fade away with all the other children and they can’t get the chance to improve that they can something others maybe don’t can. But yeah.. Beer did make a really cool/cute video about exactly this; he got the message out to people. And as you’ve seen in the end, someone did really see him, and his fantastic breakdance!! Aaaand he was just so cute <3

    Marte 8D

  25. the most inspirational was the four nigerians. because they created an urine powered generator for a liter of urine into nearly six hours of electricity and could help 160 millions citizens.

    Sander 8C

  26. I thought that number11/ the pee powered generator was most interesting and inspiring. because its a great way to get "free" energy and me myself is fond of building things. so i thought seeing that only a few people with scraps to use can build a generator like that is amazing

    -Axel 8c

  27. I think the most inspiration was the four nigerians because the generator helps a lot and doesn`t need much money and time to operate. It demands one litre urin for producing six hours elecricity. It has also helped 160 millions citizens to get electricity.

    Sebastian Høgvall, 8C

  28. Marian Bechtel. She can save millions of innocents in countries with war. It is so cheap to make that it can be given away for free or sold cheaply to the citizens that need it. (I have no idea why someone would say Justen Beer or Julia Bluhm is the most inspirational, making a change.org petition and dancing to forget bullying isn't that inspiring)

    Sune 8D

  29. I found the british teen most inspirational because he proved that space exploration don`t need to be expensive and that every one can buy equipment to do this. he only used 600$ on something that maybe whould cost 2 000 000$

    Olav 8C

  30. i think the nigeran girls! they have made a machine that can change the world. urine can now be six hours electricety! it's amazing. all the families that don't have electricety can now get it!
    they have change the world!
    Hallgrim 8D

  31. To be honest, Jacob Hughes took my breath away. In my opinion, he was the most inspirational of the 14. I think it's really generous and thoughtful to share something nice with other people, like Jacob did. This text, about Jacob Hughes' generosity, made me smile. I think it's gorgeous how this little boy decided to share some of his happiness.

    Tinka 8D.

  32. I think the Nigerian Girls did and Nithin Tumma did the greatest job.
    Nigerian Girls: They make a machine that cost them 68$ and it makes urine to electricity! Fantastic, this can change the world totally, in a good way!
    Nithin Tumma: He is seventeen years old and made a so good cancer "potion" that he won a price for 100 000$ It have to be good!

    Haakon 8D

  33. I think the Nigerian Girls and Nithin Tumma did the greatest job.
    Nigerian Girls: They made a machine that make one liter of urin to six hours of electricity! That can easy change the world! In a good way!
    Nithin Tumman: He made a cancer potion that won a price of 100 000$, and he is seventeen years old! Impressive!
    Haakon 8D

  34. Jack Andraka. He invented a system that can discover cancer, which will help saving lifes, and help scientists find a way to cure cancer.

  35. This Tennessee student mailed his hard-earned Halloween candy stash to kids in New York and
    New Jersey whose lives and trick-or-treating plans were disrupted by Hurricane Sandy.
    Hughes' generosity is inspiring.)
    This boy inspired me, because he is young but he can share with another people.
    He is not selfish as many people in XXI century. He proved to be alive we should
    help each other. We should learn from him and help each other, our friends from school,
    and family, too but not only people which we know but people which need help. Adrian 8D

  36. I think that they 4 Nigerian School girls are most inspiration because they make grin to electricity.
    Sofia 8c

  37. I think the breakdancer was most inspiring because he encourages children to express themselves through the things they love. Even though life can be hard, you can enjoy life in other ways. Caroline, 8D

  38. I think jacob Hughes since he really cared about other children. He seemed nice too
    Carl-Georg 8D

  39. The most inspirational for me is the four Nigerian schoolgirl thatmade a generator that could change urin to electrisity.

    Kristoffer 8D
