fredag 24. juni 2016

So long, 10EF!

This is it. The school is empty and you guys will never "Rise and shine" for me again. Three years have gone so fast! Thank you for all the kind words on Wednesday, you will all be greatly missed. The video above is my parting gift to you - take a leap and sing your song. Live life to the fullest!

Hasta la vista :)

Lots of love from Pia

tirsdag 15. desember 2015

This year´s Christmas song!

OMG! We almost forgot our Christmas tradition this year! But in this context, almost is good enough - there´s still plenty of time ;)

Take a look at the lyrics above or click here, and be ready to sing your heart out on Friday!

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Xmas!

tirsdag 1. desember 2015

*Making a difference - prepare for discussions

After the Christmas vacation we will start group discussions on the topic "Making a difference" where you will be graded. 

10EF: We will be using the KRLE lessons as well - meaning that 10E will already start discussions the first day after Christmas - Tuesday January 5th (10F will start Wednesday January 6th)! It is essential that you come prepared this day - no second chances!
10CD this goes for you as well! We´ll start Tuesday January 5th.

You must have read all the texts in Perspectives Magazine (which is to be found online + you have been given a print-out version as well). Be prepared for a discussion related to the topic “Making a difference” – take a look at these goals:

  • To be able to discuss the topic “making a difference” using a suitable and varied language and vocabulary.
  • To be able to explain which issue you believe is the most important to solve in the world today and why.
  • To be able to explain and discuss the small things you can do to make a difference.
  • To be able to discuss both famous and unsung heroes who have made a difference.
  • To be able to discuss both fictional and factual texts connected to the topic “making a difference” (the texts in Perspectives Magazine).
  • To know different ways to express your opinion, discuss and argue.

Rules of thumb when it comes to discussions:

  • Come prepared - read Perspectives Magazine - making a difference! Look at the questions on it's learning (both the PP and the questions you all answered on it's - all is to be found under Engelsk muntlig).
  • Rehearse. Discuss the topic with family and friends. 
  • Stay away from gibberish - make sure that you always can give reasons for your answer and that you always have examples related to the topic (please use examples from Perspectives Magazine and others sources from class).

Kjennetegn på måloppnåelse, samtale/diskusjon

Under middels 1/2
Middels 3/4
Over middels 5/6
Du kan si noen setninger, men mangler ordforråd for å kunne uttrykke det du ønsker.
Du snakker stort sett flytende, og har et for det meste tilstrekkelig ordforråd.
Du snakker flytende og med et variert ordforråd som også er temaspesifikt.
Du snakker utydelig og med mye uttalefeil.
Du snakker stort sett tydelig og har for det meste god uttale.
Du snakker tydelig og med god uttale.
Du forstår noe av det som blir sagt, og kan svare på direkte spørsmål.
Du forstår stort sett det som blir sagt, og deltar til dels aktivt i samtalen.
Du forstår det som blir sagt, og deltar i samtalen på eget initiativ.
Du kan i noen grad uttrykke egne meninger, men klarer i liten grad å begrunne eller utdype påstander.
Du gir i noen grad uttrykk for egne meninger og kan til dels begrunne/utdype påstander.
Du gir uttrykk for egne meninger og kan begrunne/utdype påstander.
Du viser i liten grad egen refleksjon omkring oppgavens tema.
Du presenterer i noen grad egne tanker omkring oppgavens tema.
Du reflekterer omkring oppgavens tema.

Disse kompetansemålene vil bli dekket:

Mål for opplæringen er at eleven skal kunne
  • bruke ulike situasjoner, arbeidsmåter og læringsstrategier for å utvikle egne ferdigheter i engelsk
  • velge og bruke ulike lytte- og talestrategier tilpasset formålet
  • forstå og bruke et generelt ordforråd knyttet til forskjellige emner
  • vise evne til å skille mellom positivt og negativt ladede uttrykk som refererer til enkeltindivider og grupper av mennesker
  • forstå hovedinnhold og detaljer i ulike typer muntlige tekster om forskjellige emner
  • lytte til og forstå varianter av engelsk fra forskjellige autentiske situasjoner
  • uttrykke seg med flyt og sammenheng tilpasset formål og situasjon
  • uttrykke og begrunne egen mening om forskjellige emner
  • innlede, holde i gang og avslutte samtaler om forskjellige emner ved å stille spørsmål og følge opp innspill
  • bruke sentrale mønstre for uttale, intonasjon, ordbøying og ulike setningstyper i kommunikasjon
  • forstå og bruke ulike uttrykk for tall og andre data i kommunikasjon
  • drøfte levesett og omgangsformer i Storbritannia, USA, andre engelskspråklige land og Norge
  • gjøre rede for trekk ved historie og geografi i Storbritannia og USA
  • drøfte ulike typer engelskspråklige litterære tekster fra engelskspråklige land
  • samtale om og formidle aktuelle og faglige emner

onsdag 11. november 2015

*Mock Exam Preparation


As you now know the date of the English mock exam is Tuesday November 24. You will get the preparation material the day before + three lessons in class to read and work with the magazine and its topic. The reason for why you get the preparation material only a day before the actual mock exam, is because this is the way it is done on the exam.

In order for you to prepare and practice your writing, we are going spend the next couple of weeks working with this season's issue of Perspectives Magazine and the tasks related to the magazine. The form of these tasks are the same as the form which will be given on the actual mock exam.

NB! Both your English lessons and your KRLE lessons will be devoted to mock exam preparation - so no KRLE the next couple of weeks! 

NB2! If you want feedback on your text about "Making a difference", finish it (both Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3A, B, C or D) by Wednesday night and send it to me in an e-mail:


I will also have a conversation with each and every one of you about the subject of English (fagsamtale). I will start the conversations on Monday November 16. This is how you should prepare:

  • If you have any questions regarding your development and goals in the subject of English - write them down in your notebook!
  • Make at least three goals for yourself when it comes to your written English - they have to be constructive!
  • Bring both your corrected text from the writing session (I have a dream) and the assessment sheet.
Preparing for this conversation is homework for Monday November 16!

onsdag 4. november 2015

Cinema Nordseter

Due to a small glitch in our planning, Cinema Nordseter was not up and running last week. We beg for your forgiveness!

In order to mend our wrongdoing we have for you this week a truly wonderful film about two aboriginal girls in Australia. The film is based on a true story, and it won many awards after its release in 2002.

You will learn, laugh and cry - the film is powerful and visually beautiful! Come see it tomorrow Thursday November 5 at U11 - bring candy and crisps - bring a friend! You will not regret it :)

Take a look at the trailer above (the resolution of the actual film is much better - we promise)!

onsdag 14. oktober 2015

*Presentation Indigenous Peoples

This week we have started on a group project on indigenous peoples in the English speaking world. See the task below.

We will start presentations in week 45 and working with this project will be your only homework for the next couple of weeks. Good luck! 

Click below to find the task, competence aims and assessment criteria: 

tirsdag 13. oktober 2015

Cinema Nordseter

Our work with American history is coming to an end for now. A great way to wrap it all up is to see the film "The Butler"!

This film looks at the life of a White House butler who served eight presidents from 1952 to 1986 and had a unique front-row seat during a tumultuous period of American history. The film is loosely built on a true story, and filled with prominent actors such as Oprah Winfrey, Forest Whitaker, Robin Williams, Jane Fonda, Cuba Gooding Jr.and many more.

Come and see it - you will not regret it :) Meet up at U11 on Thursday at 2 p.m.!