torsdag 26. mars 2015

*Book discussion - more info!

9EF; we will start the book discussions on Thursday April 9. Take a look at the blog post from last week to see how you should prepare.

Remember that you also are to create questions - write at least seven questions and bring to class the date your group is to have the discussion  - make sure that your questions are quite open and that it is possible to explain and elaborate (try to steer clear of YES/NO questions). Ex: What would you say is the main theme in the novel and why?

These are the dates you and your group have to be ready:

April 9:
  • Tuva, Lotte, Munir, Andrea, Ole
  • Felix, Oskar, Cora, Adrian, Emma H, Kasper, Mads Severin
  • Leon, Erlend, Sunniva, Nicolai, Ada, Matteo, Mathilde
April 14:
  • Joakim, Stina, Benjamin, Kristian
  • Linn, Eskil, Oliver, Aurora, Thomas, Simone
  • Martine, Karoline, Hedwig, Pernille, Lars Bendik, Borge, Mads Kristian
April 16:
  • Marie D, Julie, Kaja, Elle, Linnea, Najma
  • Cecilie, Mattias, Marie, Goman, Henriette, Sebastian, Julian, Kristine
  • Petter, Emma T, Embla, Thea, Erik, Jens Petter, Amanda


Happy Easter!

torsdag 19. mars 2015

*Peaceful Resistance Through Time + Boy Overboard

This is homework for next week:

  • Read the text "Peaceful Resistance Through Time" at page 11 - 13 in PM. Make sure that you understand all the words. Then write one paragraph where you explain why you believe Gandhi is considered a freedom fighter. Write a second paragraph where you explain why you believe Malala is considered a freedom fighter.This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday March 24.
  • Read the excerpt from Boy Overboard at page 17 - 20 in PM. Make sure that you understand all the words. Then write a short summary of what you have read - what happens in the story? This is homework for 9EF for Thursday March 26.

*Book discussions coming up

We will start book discussions the week after your Easter holiday. This is how you should prepare:

  • Make sure that you are done with your novel.
  • You have to be able to shortly describe what the book is about (without revealing how the book ends).
  • You have to be prepared to answer questions and elaborate about the setting (miljøbeskrivelse - tid, sted, rom) and theme (tema - hva handler egentlig boka om, eks: forbudt kjærlighet), the main character(s), the genre (boksjanger, eks: spenningsroman) and the target audience (målgruppe, eks: ungdom).
  • You have to be able to explain thoroughly what you think about the novel – did you like it? Why? Why not? Give examples! Would you recommend the novel to your fellow students? Why? Why not?
NB! Remember that when you describe a character you should not just describe their looks and age, you should also describe their personality and whether the character is static or dynamic throughout the story.

Our advice to you is to rehearse a lot before the book discussion. Find a friend, a parent, a sibling, whoever, and discuss the book!  Try to use transition word and phrases - take a look at this webpage. Also check this webpage for useful phrases for discussion.

You will be evaluated and given the grade UM, M or OM - take a look at the assessment criteria below:

Kjennetegn på måloppnåelse

Under middels 1/2

Middels 3/4

Over middels 5/6

Du kan si noen setninger, men mangler ordforråd for å kunne uttrykke det du ønsker.

Du svarer kort på spørsmål.

Du snakker stort sett flytende, og har et for det meste tilstrekkelig ordforråd.

Du bruker språkets strukturer, selv om det forekommer den del feil.

Du snakker flytende og med et variert ordforråd.

Du bruker språkets grunnleggende formverk rimelig korrekt, selv om feil kan forekomme.

Du snakker utydelig og med mye uttalefeil.

Du snakker stort sett tydelig og har for det meste god uttale.

Du snakker tydelig og med god uttale.

Du forstår noe av det som blir sagt, og kan svare på direkte spørsmål.

Du forstår stort sett det som blir sagt, og deltar til dels aktivt i samtalen.

Du forstår det som blir sagt, og deltar i samtalen på eget initiativ.

Du kan i noen grad uttrykke egne meninger, men klarer i liten grad å begrunne eller utdype påstander.

Du gir i noen grad uttrykk for egne meninger og kan til dels begrunne/utdype påstander.

Du gir uttrykk for egne meninger og kan begrunne/utdype påstander.

Du viser i liten grad egen refleksjon omkring bokens tema og rollefigurer.

Du presenterer i noen grad egne tanker omkring bokens tema og rollefigurer.

Du reflekterer i høy grad omkring bokens tema og rollefigurer.

tirsdag 10. mars 2015

A moment I will never forget

Here are some of the texts you guys wrote in class today. Lean back and read about your fellow students' scary, sad, hilarious, terrifying, akward, embarrassing or happy moments. You will both gasp and giggle! Enjoy :)

Once upon a time I was at the local shop to buy some eggs for my mom. It was a mile-long queue and I had to wait for years to pay. When I finally was about to pay for the eggs, I noticed that one of the customers had forgotten her bread. So I grabbed the bread and started on a journey to find the owner. First, I asked one of the employees at the shop about who the bread belonged to. They told me it belonged to an old tiny woman who had left around five minutes ago. So I ran outside and started seeking for the woman. There were cars everywhere and the sun fried my pale skin. But I didn’t give up. In danger of my own life, I crossed the road to look for the woman there. I couldn’t see her anywhere and I was about to give up. But suddenly I saw a tiny person slinking around in the shadows. I moved closer and I saw that it was the owner of the bread. I gave her the bread, and since my mission was completed, I ran back to the shop. When I got there everyone applauded and one of the employees gave me two ice-creams.
Written by Mads Severin 9F

My best friend Marie and I were sitting in the school hallway with the rest of our friends. Marie was making all kinds of weird facial expressions without realizing it and I couldn’t help but laugh. Because I was laughing she started laughing too even though she didn’t know why. So we both sat there laughing, pointing at each other until there was no sound coming out of our mouths and we were just shaking. Still pointing at each other and laughing silently. We went on like this for a few minutes maybe. The other friends that we sat with were just staring at us like we were retarded. I don’t blame them for that though, because we did look pretty stupid. But we didn’t really care about that. I remember this moment so well, because we were both happy and laughing at each other for almost no reason at all. It was a moment I will never forget, because for a few minutes I felt happy. The world around us kind of disappeared for a little while. Also I shared this moment with someone I love and spend a lot of time with. And therefore this is a moment I will never forget. ..The end.
Written by Linn 9F

A moment I will never forget happened when I was a three year old kid. I was a stupid kid at the age of three. For some reason I liked to eat candle wax. One day I ate candle wax again but my mom and dad didn’t notice. The wax got stuck in my throat and I could barely breathe. When mom and dad noticed they tried to get the wax out but they didn’t make it at first, so after one minute my mom just took her hand down my throat and pushed the wax down into my stomach. Mom and dad had never been that scared before. My face looked like the biggest blueberry in the world. I wish that my mom or my dad had taken a picture of me when this happened, but of course I understand that they would rather save me than take a picture...
Written by Sebastian 9E

A couple of years ago, my family and I went to Italy for the summer with some of our friends. I remember this whole vacation as particularly good. Yet, there’s one moment I remember as the best that summer. We had rented a sail boat with crew to sail around. The trip was stunning. The water was turquoise, and the sky clear blue. The sun was shining. At the end of the sail trip, the sail boat stopped right outside of a beautiful beach. We were to swim from the boat to the shore. I remember the moment as I jumped out of the sail boat, into the ocean. I was exited and happy. The water was crystal clear and warm. I remember watching the different fish and plants as I swam. When we arrived at the beach, it was quite windy, and we left pretty fast. But that moment, swimming from the boat to the beach, was pretty amazing.
Written by Simone 9E

A moment I will never forget is the time my nose got broken, it was the first time in my life I saw blood! This happened in kindergarten when I was around 4-5 years old; I was living a life without fear and evil. For some reason I used to enjoy hiding behind doors so I could scare those who dared to walk by. This one day I was waiting behind the door for about 10 minutes without anyone walking by, so I decided to take a peak into the other room through the gap that appears when you open a door slightly. Without hesitating I stuck my whole face into the gap and before I could say a peep, someone closed the door! The door squashed my nose and I could feel every inch of the bones in my nose break. At first I didn’t really react, but when I saw the weird red goo that I later would find out was called blood, I screamed so loud that the people living in Finnmark could probably hear me! I was sent to the hospital and it wasn’t really before I got told that my nose was broken that I felt pain. A poor child like me wasn’t supposed to witness such a horrible thing! Blood, ugh! The word freaks me out still to this day!
Written by Goman 9E

I have a moment I believe I will never forget, because it was one of the most awkward moments in my whole life. This summer, my family and I was in Crete in Greece and we had an incredible time together. On the way home I suddenly got my period. Since I didn’t think I was going to get my period at that time, I had no tampons, and nothing that could stop the bleeding. The problem was that I didn’t notice that I was bleeding, but a lot of other people did, including the airport security (!!). Unfortunately they had to do a body search on me. But since I didn’t know I was bleeding, I didn’t feel uncomfortable, but I believe a lot of other people did. When my family and I had gone through the security check, my mom came to me and told me that I was bleeding. The first thing that came to my mind was how awkward it most has been for the guards. Later, we sat down on a bench with some small holes while we waited on our plane. After a few minutes, I saw some people stare at me, but I didn’t understand why.... Then, I spread my legs and look down on the floor, and it was a big pond on the floor. I have never felt so embarrassed, I am scarred for life!
Written by Cora 9F

I was about 7 years old at the time. I remember I had a friend over and we were playing super spies in the woods close to my house. We found an old, abandoned shed, hidden by the trees, which we decided to make into our secret headquarter. The building was kind of creepy. It was rotten, with several holes in the walls and rusty nails sticking out everywhere. The roof was flat and somehow we managed to get onto it by using my pink skipping rope. We were up there for a while, but then, when I tried to get down, I managed to fall from the roof which was maybe two meters above the ground. I fell pretty hard on my back and lost my breath. I lay there on the hard ground and felt the terror spreading through my body. I couldn’t move and I couldn’t breathe. “Is this the way I’m going to die?” I thought. My vision went blurry, and could hear my friend screaming: “Run, Emma! There’s an animal right next to you!”. But I didn’t manage to move. I managed to breathe again and pulled myself together. I stood up, relieved that I was not dead. We found out that the “animal” my friend saw was just a stick, and I didn’t get any injuries from the fall.
Written by Emma K. H. 9E

It happened in 2003, I know it’s a long time ago. But still it sticks to my memory even though I’m trying to forget it. I don’t remember so much of the things that happened before and after. The only thing I remember is that I went to the park and there was one kid who had a birthday that day. It was playtime and the kid with the birthday had a hoodie. I remember he was one year older than me, and he was going to ride the slide. When he went down the slide the string that you use to tighten the hoodie got hooked at the top of the slider and he choked. And unfortunately he died, only 4 years old. I remember that the ambulance came and that it was an extreme chaos. But I don’t remember so much. It was a long time ago, and I can’t remember anything else that happened that day. One thing I know is that he was only four years old, and that I will never forget it. Thank you for your attention.
Written by Julian 9F

There was this time me and my grandma were walking to the store. Just a normal day in the summer, the only thing that was bothering us both was that my grandma’s bicycle had been stolen two days before. It was a bicycle with a lot of memories and stickers from everywhere my grandparents had been together, so she missed it a lot. This normal day when we were walking to the store, I saw her bicycle. I started yelling and was all: “Grandma, grandma! I found your baby!” She turned the way I pointed and started running. The only downside was that the bicycle was tied up with a huge padlock. We couldn’t get it off, so I asked her what we should do. My stubborn grandmother answered me loud and clear; “We are going to sit here until the disrespectable thief comes back here, unlocks the padlock and gives my bicycle back to me!” I didn’t say anything, just sat down by her side. We sat there for four hours, doing nothing but wait. Then I called my grandpa and told him everything. Half an hour later he came and he didn’t come alone. He had brought his biggest wire nipper. He grabbed the padlock, and cut it in two. I didn’t really understand why all this happened just becuase of a bicycle, but what I did understand was that if you want something, you don’t quit until you get it.
Written by Mathilde 9F

Before I tell you about this story you have to know something about my father. He is a professional sailor, well not completely professional, but he still competes in races like NM and other competitions. He owns a small sailboat, and he and his crew practice a lot during the sailing season. Well back to the case, a competition was right around the corner and the crew was feeling good, but there was only one problem, they were one man short. So my dad called around to find someone who could to step in, but there was no one left. My dad was quite bummed, he had looked forward to this race for a long time. But as the good son I am, I told him I could step in and save the day. My father thought about it for a moment before he said I officially was a part of the crew. I was as happy as my father, because I knew the King would compete in this race too. The race was located in the Oslofjord, not far away from our house. When the day arrived, we woke up early and we drove down to the starting point. We did some the last changes on the sails and other sailing stuff which I didn’t understand at all. The race had begun and we had a pretty good position, we were right behind the King in 6th place. There were only 500 meters left to the finish line and we were in the same position as the King, and then a miracle happened... We got so much wind out of nowhere, we flew above the water and we finished third before the King and my dad's rival. Even though we didn’t win, I will always share this moment with my dad.
Written by Lars Bendik 9F

About three weeks ago I was skiing in the mountains with my father and my friends. We were skiing off-piste in the woods up on the mountain. We were about to ski back to the slopes again, when I saw a hill. I thought it was just a small hill, so I picked up the pace, and drove off. In the middle of the air, as soon as I drove off the edge I saw what the hill really was. It was a huge cliff, and it was most likely 3 meters down to the ground, and at that moment Erik realized he had screwed up. When I landed my ski bindings shot off and made me fly forward and land on my face, a real faceplant. That day it was snowing, and luckily there were lots of snow where I landed. So that is probably why it did not get hurt at all. I got up, and cleared my helmet and my face for snow, and then the others came along and laughed with me, after they had wondered how I could not have seen the cliff. Then they took a picture to show to my mother that always worries (and that made her worry even more). They helped me dig up my skis from the snow, and we went down to the lift. At the way down I said: "Now is a good time to eat lunch..."
Written by Erik 9F

It was Christmas eve. I walked over to the Christmas tree. I picked up a present, and gave it to my mom. Her eyes were bigger than all the stars in the whole universe. She began to open it. Slowly she took off the gift paper and watched closely. She probably thought “this can`t be real.” But it was, it was a little black box. She opened it and she began to cry. She took it out of the box and looked at it. It was a necklace, made of gold and a diamond. I saw she liked it. She began to thank me for the present. And today she uses it almost every day at work. And I appreciate that.
Written by Borge 9E

When I was about 6 years old I was trying to do a good deed, but it ended catastrophically. It was Saturday evening and the clock was about seven. My brother and I were eating candy and drinking chocolate milk, and suddenly my brother spilled chocolate milk all over a chair. Since I am the big sister of course I offered to find some paper to dry up the all the chocolate milk. I went in to the kitchen and tried to find some paper, and then I saw a paper roll on the top of our enormous kitchen cabinet. I dragged a chair close to the cabinet that was used to store glass and other kitchen stuff. The paper was on the top so I had to step on the cabinet. I remember I was about to put my foot on the cabinet, but after that it`s black. I woke up when my father was carrying me to my room. I cried a lot and my father called the casualty clinic and drove me there. They said I had a concussion and what really sucked was that I wasn`t allowed to watch TV or read or basically do anything fun. And when I was going to bed it was impossible to sleep. I had three enormous bumps in my head. One on the left side where I hit my head on the table, one on the back of the head from when I hit the floor and one on the right side where the cabinet fell down on me. When I was at the kitchen later I saw the cabinet that maybe was three times taller than me lying on the floor and all the glass was broken.
Written by Embla 9E

In February 2015, I was on a training camp in Cadiz, a city in southern-Spain. One day, there was almost no wind – but that did not stop the waves from becoming enormous. We had a four, maybe five meter swell that day and I had never been surfing on a board without a sail on before. I was so nervous about getting caught by the waves while I was in the water (and getting that washing-machine feeling) that I had to take off my wetsuit again and again just to pee before I went out. I went out to the water with huge waves, crazy Spanish surfers and an amazing sunset. After a couple of minutes I managed to catch my first wave, the feeling is almost indescribable. With the greenish color on the water and the perfectly clean waves, and accelerating full-speed down the swell, it felt like running on water. I felt like Jesus, or maybe the great Poseidon. There is no greater feeling than surfing and that feeling of being part of the ocean, riding on top of the world. Surfing is freedom, adventure and creativity rolled into one. It is easy to see why surfers love surfing so much. I think the primary reason for why I never will forget this fantastic experience is because the first time you do or see something is the most amazing one. Also, the atmosphere on the beach after we had surfed was wonderful. We got to see the very best of what the nature in Southern-Spain had to offer.
Written by Matteo 9E

I was at a friend’s house with three of my best friends. Since it was summer (the summer of 2010 actually), the sun was almost frying us alive. We were all extremely hot (take that which way you want), and the sweat was literally dripping. I was wearing pants and a sweater (don`t ask why, I was really stupid at that time okay?), which obviously didn`t help at all. Therefore, I decided to go home and change into something more weather-appropriate (my house was a few houses away so it wasn’t a big deal anyway). After going home and changing into shorts and a t-shirt, I decided to take my bike back to my friend`s house. I didn’t want to miss out on all the fun they were having (and by fun I mean getting dehydrated from all the sweating), so I sped up and tried to get back as fast as possible. This “riding-my-bike-as-fast-as-I-could-thing” was a terrible idea, because I ended up on the side of the rode, crying. Not only did I scratch my knee up pretty bad, I also broke my wrist and ended up with a cast on my arm for three weeks. My friends surprised me with a feel-better-card later that day when I came home from the hospital. So moral to the story is: “Don`t wear heavy clothing on a hot, summer day, because you might end up with a broken wrist”.
Written by Emma T. 9E

Once upon a time I made a teacher cry. This wasn’t bad tears, but tears of joy, or so I think. This was during school, in a class called “dream-class”. The whole class sat in a circle with their chairs, and the teacher told us to say something nice to the person next to you. I sat next to the teacher. I got a compliment from the girl next to me. Then I turned around and said to the teacher “Hilde (the teacher's name), you got a nice fashion style.” It was silent for like two seconds. Then the teacher took a deep breath. And I swear I saw tears in her eyes. And then she said back to me that I was sweet. Then the class just kept on saying compliments to each other. But I still remember that she started to cry.
Written by Benjamin 9E

fredag 6. mars 2015

*Rainstorms in Guatemala

Some moments stay with you forever. It can be the moment you scored the crucial goal for your football team, it can be that kiss you shared with someone special or it can be that time you danced in the rain with a good friend. Read about a special moment for a young American girl - it happened during a rainstorm in Guatemala.

Read the text and pick ten words you believe is important to know from the text. Use them in ten sentences.

This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday March 10