onsdag 28. august 2013

*You are about to be PEP TALKED!

The Kid President is one of our favorite kids out there on the World Wide Web. Take a look at his brilliant video - and be prepared to be pep talked!

What will you do to make the world awesome?

HW 8CD for Thursday 5th of September: Watch the youtube-clip. Find out what a pep talk is. Then try to answer the question "What will you do to make the world awesome?". Write at least 100 - 150 words. 

HOMEWORK 8EF for Monday the 2nd of September: Watch the youtube-clip. Find out what a pep talk is. Then try to answer the question "What will you do to make the world awesome?". Write at least 100 - 150 words. 

*Falling out with friends - what to do?

Have you ever argued with a friend? Do you find it difficult to say: "I`m sorry"? Read the advice the guys at BBC give on the topic here. 

Remember that there is a reason for why you are friends, do not let a small insignificant argument ruin the friendship!

HOMEWORK 8EF for Tuesday the 3rd of September: 
- Read the article and write down words you find difficult. Translate them into Norwegian. 

HW 8CD for Wednesday 4th of September:

- Read the article and write down words you find difficult. Translate them into Norwegian. 

*My Favorite Things - Spotlight on language

In the musical "Sound of Music" the actress Julie Andrews sings about her favorite things. Read the lyrics in Key English at p. 13. Check out the scene from the movie here.

HOMEWORK 8EF for Tuesday the 3rd of September: 
- Read about Regular Nouns at page 187 in Key English. Do task 5 at page 13 in Key English. BRING KEY ENGLISH TO CLASS.

HW 8CD for Wednesday 4th of September: 
- Read about Regular Nouns at page 187 in Key English. Do task 5 at page 13 in Key English. BRING KEY ENGLISH TO CLASS.

onsdag 21. august 2013

*Who are you all?

Hello 8EF!

As you all now know my name is Pia and will be your English teacher this year. I am 30 years old and I live here in Oslo at Torshov. This is my second year as a teacher at Nordseter (before Nordseter I worked at Apalløkka). I worked here in 2011/12, then took a year off to go travel the world.  I sailed from the small island of St. Kitts in the Caribbean, through the Panama Canal and all the way across the Pacific to Australia - stopping at several small beautiful islands on the way. It truly was an amazing journey. 

In my spare time I try to spend as much time possible with my friends and family. A perfect day for me would be a day in park with beautiful weather, lots of friends and lots of delicious food.  

I spend a lot of time thinking that I should work out (I do love Yoga and Pilates), but when I come home from work the couch is often calling my name… I am walker though, so you will often find me walking the streets of Oslo with my favorite music blasting through my earphones. 

This was a little something about me, I can´t wait to learn more about you guys!


Hello 8CD!

I am Siri and I will be your English and Religions-teacher. I am 32 years old, and I am born and raised right here at Nordstrand. I was even a student at Nordseter! I have worked at Nordseter since 2008, before that I was a teacher for adults at Sinsen, and at Oslo prison.

When I was younger I wanted to work in Fashion, so I went to London to study at London College of Fashion. However, I soon realized that my heart belongs to literature, so I went back home and studied books and stories for five years. I loved it!

When I do not work, I love to hang out with my three boys (husband and two sons), and when I am tired of all the boy`s stuff, I hang out with my friends. I run (you may see me in the streets, as I live at Nordstrand) and I do something called cross-fit. And I read. As much as I can.

I am really looking forward to getting to know you all!


HW: Write a text about yourselves, and bring Monday 26th (Pia) or Wednesday 28th (Siri). Also bring a photo of yourself, new or old!

*Seeking new friends?

We hope that you are settling in well, and most importantly, that you have made some new friends! There are many ways to get to know more people. Read this amazing story about a message in a bottle!

HW: Write the letter you would have put into the bottle! (150-200 words, by hand or in print.)
(Pia: Tuesday 26th, Siri Thursday 29th)

pic found here

*With a little help from our friends..

We are continuing the theme of friendship, and to finish off our three obligatory posts this week, we have this beautiful story about two best friends. We just want you to read this one - and be inspired!! Sometimes, we all need a helping hand.

Read the story here.

(Pia: by Tuesday 27th, Siri: by Thursday 29th)

fredag 16. august 2013


Hello 8CDEF, welcome to our blog!

We will be using this blog instead of the book Key English - but if you ever need to bring Key English to class we will let you know here. We will be posting three obligatory posts every Wednesday at 3 PM. The posts you HAVE to read will be marked with a *star. Your homework for the week will be in these posts. Make sure that you stop by often, we may post other fun stuff as well.

Our blog journey will take shape as we go along, and we would love feedback from you. This will be a trial project up until our fall break, but if you like it we may continue.

We are looking forward to get to know you all!

Best regards, Siri & Pia