torsdag 29. januar 2015

*Sailing into history

This week we want you to read about the youngest person to sail around the world, namely Jesse Martin. Read the text at page 11 and 12 in Perspectives Magazine and learn all the words by heart. Then write a paragraph where argue whether you believe Jesse Martin is a hero or not. Remember to elaborate and give reasons for your opinion.

This is homework for 9EF for Thursday February 5.
This is homework for 9CD for Friday Febraury 6.

*Idiom of week 6

"To go the extra mile"

What does this mean? Write a short text where you put the expression in context.

This is homework for 9CD Wednesday 4th of February
This is homework for 9EF Thursday 5th of February

*The Long Walk to Freedom

This week we are going to read about Nelson Mandela and his fascinating and inspiring story. To understand his fight, it is important to have some background information on the history of South Africa.

First, read this timeline. You should be able to briefly tell about South Africa to your classmates.
Then read the text "Long walk to freedom" and as usual learn all the words.

For 9C this is homework for Wednesday 4th and 9D Thursday 5th.
9E: This is homework for Wednesday 4th
9F: This is homework for Friday 6th

fredag 23. januar 2015

*Celebrating Women

This week we want you to read about some true heroines. You will, amongst others, read about Rosa Parks who had the courage to stand up for what she knew was right. Read the text at page 7 and put down five key facts each about these women (use Internet and other sources to find information) where it becomes clear why these women are considered heroines:

  • Rosa Parks
  • Harriet Tubman
  • Emily Dickinson
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Coretta Scott King
Bring your text to class.

This is homework for 9EF for Thursday January 29th.

torsdag 22. januar 2015

*Idiom of week 5

"Rome was not built in one day"

What does this idiom mean? Write a short paragraph about anything you like where you put this idiom into context to show that you have understood it.

This is homework for 9CD for Wednesday 28th.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 29th.

Optional: If you are interested in expressions, take a look at this list where some common English expressions are being explained. 

*I am Amelia Earhart

This week we are reading and hearing about the fantastic Amelia Earhart. Make sure you learn all the words by heart. Write a summary of the story about her, using both the text and the film above. Bring it to class! Make sure you use topic specific words!

This is homework for 9CD for Wednesday 28th of January.
This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday 27th of January.

Optional: Learn more about Amelia Earhart here! If you like you can write a two paragraph essay. In the first paragraph you can write about what it was like to be a woman in the 1920s (you will have to do some research). In the sec on paragraph you write about why Earhart is considered a heroine. 

torsdag 15. januar 2015

*Idiom of week 4

To be an unsung hero.

What does it mean to be an unsung hero? Find out, and write it down in your books. Can you think of any examples?

This is homework for 9C for Wednesday 21st and for 9D Thursday 22nd.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 22nd.

*How to Choose a Role Model

This week we want you to reflect upon role models. Why are they important? Who should you choose as your role model? Open Perspectives Magazine and read the text called "How to Choose a Role Model" at page 9. Make sure that you understand all the words. Then make a mind map where put down all the qualities you believe a role model should possess. Try to use some of the words you have learned in the text. Bring your mind map to school!

9EF: This is homework for Tuesday January 20th.
9CD: This is homework for Wednesday January 21st.

*The Brothers Lionheart

Astrid Lindgren is a beloved and famous Swedish author, and some of you have probably read a few of her books in Norwegian. One of her most famous books is called The Brothers Lionheart where you get to know two brother named Karl and Jonathan. Read the excerpt that is to be found at page 15 in Perspectives Magazine. Make sure that you understand all the words.

After you have read, we would like you to write the following task, write at least half a page.

Think about a character you have read about in a book, that you would consider a hero. Why is this character a hero? What heroic qualities does this character have? 

(If you have difficulties thinking of heroic qualities, take a look at this article. The article is quite difficult, but just read the headings!)

If you want to learn more about Astrid Lindgren click here!

This is homework for 9CD for Monday 26th of January.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 22nd of January.

*Read on!

Once a week you guys will get time at school to read. Make sure that the book you bring next week is a book you truly want to read, because you guys are to keep a log (you will get a logbook in class).

Here's the link (once again) to the Time's list of the hundred best young adult books of all times.

9E: You guys will read every Thursday in your fifth lesson of the day. So bring your book to class Thursday January 22nd!

9F: You guys will read every Monday in your first lesson of the day. So bring your book to class Monday January 19th!

9CD: You guys will read every Friday. So bring your book to class Friday January 16th!

torsdag 8. januar 2015

*My Hero

Welcome back to a new year, new opportunities and a new issue of Perspectives Magazine! This time the main topic is "Heroes". You will meet everyday heroes, heroes from history, young heroes and old, and heroes who changed the world.

The first text we want you to read is a text about two everyday heroes, one was a lawyer and the other is a teacher. The text is called "My Hero" and is to be found at page 4 in Perspectives Magazine.

Read the text and learn all the difficult words. Then write a small text (half a page) where you describe what a hero is to you. Is it someone who has done great deeds? Or could it be your next-door neighbour?

9EF: You will get Perspectives Magazine in class on Monday. The homework above is for Thursday January 15.

*Get Your Reading On!

As you all know we are soon to enter a wonderful world where you will get FOUR English lessons a week! This means that we will be able to read more at school :)

Find an English novel that appeals to you and bring it to class.

BTW: Time Magazine just released a list of what they believe to be the best 100 Young Adult books of ALL TIME! On top? Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Remember you read the excerpt about the young Indian boy who really loved his grandmother? Well - that's the book :)

Click here to see the whole list - you might be inspired to read one of them!

9EF: Bring your novel to class on Thursday January 15!