torsdag 30. oktober 2014

*Book discussions coming up!


9EF: We will start the book discussions on Thursday November 6th - come prepared! Also bring your novel to class on Tuesday November 4th.
9CD: you need to be prepared Monday 3rd of November.

In week 45 we will start book discussions one on one. We will talk to each and everyone of you – this is how you should prepare:

·        Make sure that you are done with your novel (remember how we told you to pick and read an English novel this fall).

·        You have to be able to give a short summary of the book, describe the setting and theme, the main character(s), the genre and the target audience.

·      You have to be able to explain thoroughly what you think about the novel – did you like it? Why? Why not? Give examples! Would you recommend the novel to your fellow students? Why? Why not?

·        You should also be able to explain why reading is important when it comes to language learning.

Our advice to you is to rehearse a lot before the book discussion. Find a friend, a parent, a sibling, whoever, and discuss the book! Remember that you also should be able to explain and give reasons for why reading is good for you. Try to use transition word and phrases - take a look at this webpage. Also check this webpage for useful phrases for discussion.

For input on the benefits of reading and the assessment criteria - see below:


Explain this idiom in your own words, share in class:
We will  cross that bridge when we get there.

torsdag 23. oktober 2014

*From Victims to Victors

This week we want you to read about a boy who used to be a bully victim. He decided to make a documentary about his experiences and he created a project to inspire people into taking action against bullying. Read about him in Perspectives Magazine at p. 13. Learn all the words by heart - you migt be tested!

Also go to his website and see the trailer of his film. Then write a text of about half a page where you explain if you think taking action against bullying is important or not, and why.

This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday the 28th of October.
This is homework for 9CD for Monday the 27th of October.

*Scout Bassett

Sometimes in life you are handed challenges that may seem difficult to overcome. Some people have the amazing ability to turn a challenge into an advantage. This week you will read the text about Scout Bassett.

1) Read the text, and learn ALL the words.
2) Explain the saying on the picture above, it is good to know!

If you like, you may watch this amazing video of Amy Purdy, who lost both her legs and still kept pursuing her dream.

This is homework for 9CD for Monday 27th of October.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 30th of October.


Explain this idiom in class:

Break the back of the beast.

torsdag 16. oktober 2014

*Symbols in literature

One of the keys to writing good literature and poetry is not to state everything clearly, but to use symbols for the reader to find out and give his own interpretation. This however, means that you as a reader have to read between the lines to find out what the poem or story is about.

We want you to read this text about symbols. Spend time to make sure you understand most of it.

This is homework for 9CD for Monday 20th of October.
This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday 21st of October.

*Yellow Ribbon

This week's short story is a wonderful, wonderful tale about an old man and the love of his life. Read the text in Perspectives Magazine and learn all the words by heart (you might be tested).

This is homework for:
9AB for Thursday October 23rd
9CD for Wednesday October 22nd
9EF for Tuesday October 21st

*Meet Tupac Shakur

Many of you have heard about Tupac Shakur. He is mostly known under his artist name 2pac. He was (and still is) a well known rapper. In addition to this he also wrote poetry.

Watch the short biography here.

Read the poem "The rose that grew from concrete" in Perspectives Magazine. Write a short text (half a page) about what you think this poem is about. How do you think this links to Tupac`s life and what`s your opinion on the poem. Bring the text to class!

This is homework for 9CD for Wednesday 22nd of October.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 23rd of October.

torsdag 9. oktober 2014

*Jackie Robinson

Throughout history people have had to overcome many difficulties. Being an African American in the U.S. was a struggle for centuries. Today we all take for granted that everyone is equal and deserve the same rights. Also when it comes to sports. This week we want you to meet Jackie Robinson, an athlete who grew up in an era when segragation and racism were part of the daily life. So hit the magazine at page 9 and read about him! Make sure that you know all the words (you might be tested).

This is homework for 9CD for Monday October 13
This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday October 14

*Thank You M'am

Meet Langston Huges. Langston wrote novels, short stories and poetry during a time when African Americans were expected to stay segregated from whites. But Langston was positive and believed that if you just kept going , you would overcome any obstacle.

This week's short story is a real treat. "Thank you M'am" is a wonderful story, and we can't wait to hear what you think about it.

Read "Thank You M'am" and make sure you understand all the words. Be prepared to talk about the story.

This is homework for 9CD for Wednesday 15th.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 16th.

Treat: Here is a wonderful poem by Huges, about overcoming difficulties and not give up.

*How to analyze characters

This week we are talking about characters. Often when you describe characters you describe their appearence. Now, we would like you to go deeper into the characters and describe their personalities.

Read this link.

Now write down notes on each of the two characters in Thank you M'am, and bring to class. (Do this thoroughly!)

This is homework for 9CD for Wednesday 15th.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 16th.


Find out what we mean when we say  ride the bumps. Share in class.

This is homework for 9CD for Monday 13th
This is homework for 9EF for Tuesday 14th

søndag 5. oktober 2014

*Idiom of week 41

"To be on pins and needles"!

Find out what it means and write a very short text where you put this idiom in a context.

This is homework for 9CD for Wednesday 8th.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 9th of October.


We have now finished our work on the subject "Money". Hopefully you have learned a bunch of new words, that will come in handy. We are now moving to a new subject: "Overcoming obstacles". This is a very exciting theme, as we combine history with your and other's personal stories. We will read some amazing short stories as well.

We will kick you off by having you read the article: "How to overcome fear" in Perspectives Magazine. Read the text and learn the words. Create 8 sentences using 8 of the words.

This is homework for 9CD for Wednesday 8th of October.
This is homework for 9EF for Thursday 9th of October.

If you like, you can watch the film of his jump here, it is AMAZING!