onsdag 14. mai 2014

*Present it!

Every day newspapers from all over the English speaking world report what is happening in their areas. We now want you to help us introduce some of these news to your peers.

We would like you to:

Present an article from the English speaking world. Make sure your presentations contain the three following things:

1. Your explanation of the article - with pictures and key words.
2. Background for the article - this can be more about the country the event takes place, or the company, a conflict etc.
3. 5 words you think are important to understand in connection to the article - and you should explain them in English.

Take a look here to see the assessment criteria - you will be graded.

8EF: Never mind what I said about only using CNN Student News. You can use any article/news story from the English speaking world. Just remember that the news you are to present is fairly fresh. Take a look here to see when you are to present! You will find the list on Fronter as well.

8CD: you will get your time in class, and on Fronter Thursday.