onsdag 11. desember 2013

*12 days of christmas!

Here comes a real tongue-twister, and the best of all - you have to learn it by heart!

Watch it here! (It is a terrible version, but it helps you learn it)

Read the lyrics here!

Extra credits: read about the symbols and story behind the song here!

8CD by Thursday I expect you to sing this song like your life depended on it!

8EF on Friday December 20th you should be ready to sing this song with all your heart - and since this is all the homework you get, it better be good!

Pic from here.

onsdag 4. desember 2013

*One Way Ticket to.....Mars?

Would you apply for the adventure of a lifetime and be guaranteed fame, even if it meant never seeing your family or friends again?

Many people would! Read this fascinating article. Look up words you find difficult, and be prepared to explain them.

8 cd: this is for Wednesday 11th.
8 ef: this is for Tuesday 10th.

*Irregular verbs

Most verbs are conjugated (blir bøyd) like this:

to play                   played                         have/has played

However, there are some verbs that are different. These verbs are called irregular verbs. In Key English there is a list of all the most important irregular verbs. This week you are to learn how to conjugate the next ten irregular verbs on the list: to show - to steal (see p. 207 in Key English). Learn them by heart (you might be tested) and write ten sentences where you use each verb in either the past simple tense (preteritum) or the past participle tense (perfektum).

Ex:                              You stole my heart.
                                   John has shown me secret recipe.

This is homework for 8EF for Monday December 9th

This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday