onsdag 25. september 2013

*School Uniforms - should your school be telling you what to wear?

In many countries school uniforms are mandatory. We want to know your opinions about the subject. Read THIS ARTICLE and THIS ARTICLE. Study both sides of the arguement. Write down (in your notebook) three arguments that support the idea of having a school uniform and three arguements that do not support the idea of having a school uniform. Then write down your opinion where you state whether you are for or against school uniforms and why.

We also want you to state your opinion as a comment to this blogpost - remember to post the comment with your full name and class.

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 8th of October

This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday 9th of October

*The Strap Box Flyer

READ PEOPLE, READ! Enjoy yet another marvellous short story by Paul Jennings - THE STRAP BOX FLYER :)

Write down words you find difficult and translate them into Norwegian.

This is homework for 8EF for Tuesday 8th of October.

This is homework for 8CD for Wednesday 9th of October.


On Monday the 7th of October (8EF - the first day after fall break) and Thursday the 10th of October (8CD) you are to have a two-hour writing session at computer room 119A and 119B. You are to write a short story (it could be wise to refresh your memory and check out the tips from Morris Gleitzman on how to write a good short story).

Your work will be graded - make sure to do your best!

onsdag 18. september 2013

*Pink Bow Tie!

This week we would like you to read a new story. We are bombarding you with stories, we know, but believe us - it is good for you!

This one is quite funny, we hope you will enjoy it! Read the story here!

Homework for 8CD for Wednesday 25th of September: Read the story, look up difficult words!

Homework 8EF for Monday 23rd of September: Read the story, look up difficult words!

*They're, their, there! - getting it right.

We´ll start irregular verbs after fall break, but for now: you need to get this right.

This is how you use it right.

Practice here.

Write 3 sentences with each of the three words to show that you understand the difference between them!

This is HOMEWORK 8EF for Tuesday the 24th of September.
This is HOMEWORK 8CD for Thursday the 26th of September.

*Irregular Nouns - Spotlight on Language!

Not every noun (substantiv) is changed from the singular to the plural just by adding an -s. Some nouns are different and are called irregular nouns.
Check out the video and read about irregular nouns in Key English at page 188. Write down the irregular nouns you have to memorize and learn them by heart!
This is HOMEWORK 8EF for Monday the 23rd of September.
This is HOMEWORK 8CD for Thursday the 26th of September.

fredag 13. september 2013

Greetings from Bratislava

Hopefully you guys are enjoying your day off and that the job shadowing yesterday went well.

We are enjoying Bratislava for sure :)

Happy weekend, see you all on Monday!

onsdag 4. september 2013

*Writing a story!

In today's post we would like to introduce you to Morriz Gleitzman. He has written many books for children and young adults, we know some of you are reading his books now! But Morriz is not only a great writer, he is also great at giving advice on how to write. We would love you to be experts on writing good stories.

First, read this article.
Make sure you understand and look up the difficult words.

Secondly, read this story!

And last, but not least, you are going to write your own story, based on the principles Morriz introduces in his article. Minimun 1 page on computer. This is to be uploaded into Fronter in the folder STORY. We will show you at school how to do it.

Today's post may seem big, but remember; you do not have to finish this until week 38!

This is due:

8CD: Wednesday 18th of September. (Bring a print to class)

8EF: Tuesday 17th of September. (Bring a print to class)